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Painted Mos Ardus V + Aim Assist
Silvered Eos FR4 + Charge Rate
Painted Abaddon SR5 + Equip Speed
Nox Fury V + , Nox Inergia IV + , Panta Rhei + Impact
Known Horizon + Range
Hoss Mk.51 + , The Devil You Don't + Recoil
Chilonis-A + , Conviction II + , Dreg's Promise (Year 1) + , Dreg's Promise (Year 2) + , Hard Light (Year 1) + , Hard Light (Year 2) + , Hawkwood-A + , Pocket Infinity + , Rustam-D + , Split Shifter Pro + , Teacup Tempest + , Vesosis-C + , Vortigern-C + Reload
Silimar's Wrath + Stability


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