Aegis of the Reef +
, Badger CCL (Year 2) +
, Bane of the Taken +
, Blind Perdition +
, Burning Eye +
, But Not Forgotten +
, Conspiracy Theory-D +
, Crow's Eye +
, Cryptic Dragon (Year 3) +
, Exile's Student +
, Final Duty +
, Grim Citizen III (Year 2) +
, Hand of Judgment +
, Her Champion +
, Her Fury +
, Her Memory +
, Her Revenge +
, Hex Caster ARC (Year 3) +
, Hopscotch Pilgrim (Year 3) +
, Ill Will (Year 3) +
... |
Ankh of Sai Mota +
, Blood-Soaked Charm +
, Boots of a Dying Star +
, Bretomart's Pledge +
, Colovance's Choice +
, Deidris's Fist +
, Dredgen Yor's Rose +
, Exultation Boots +
, Exultation Grips +
, Exultation Mask +
, Exultation Vest +
, Gauntlets of the Pariah +
, Gloves of a Dying Star +
, Greaves of the Pariah +
, Helm of the Pariah +
, Mark of the Pariah +
, Mask of the Pariah +
, Pariah Bond +
, Pariah Boots +
, Pariah Gloves +
... |
Cursed Thrall +
, Psion +
Major Point Value
Phalanx +
Normal Point Value
Fireteam Streak +
, Warding Light +
Wanted: Skoriks, Archon-Slayer +