Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode

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See also: Wrath of the Machine

Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode or Hard Mode (HM) was released on October 18, 2016.

Challenge Modes

Aksis Challenge Mode

Vosik Challenge Mode

Loot by Boss

See also: All Loot

Chest 1

Chest 2

Vosik, Archpriest Loot

Item Type
Ex Machina~ Sniper Rifle
Zeal Vector~ Sidearm
Spliced Cosmoclast Greaves
Spliced Nanomania Boots
Spliced Red Miasma Boots
Leg Armor
  • SIVA CACHE CHEST AVAILABLE - It spawns on the left side of the center, where the ads come down
    • NM Chest caps at 400 Light

Siege Machine Loot

Item Type
IF Materia~ Machine Gun
Spliced Cosmoclast Plate
Spliced Nanomania Vest
Spliced Red Miasma Robes
Chest Armor
Spliced Cosmoclast Gauntlets
Spliced Nanomania Grasps
Spliced Red Miasma Gloves
  • SIVA CACHE CHEST AVAILABLE - Spawns next to the rewards chest
    • NM Chest caps at 400 Light

Aksis, Prime Archon Loot

Phase 1

Item Type
Perfected SIVA Capsule
Perfected SIVA Core
Perfected SIVA Shard
Amalgam Shell Ghost Shell

Phase 2

Item Type
Steel Medulla~ Pulse Rifle
Fever and Remedy~ Hand Cannon
Spliced Cosmoclast Helm
Spliced Nanomania Mask
Spliced Red Miasma Hood
Spliced Cosmoclast Mark
Spliced Nanomania Cloak
Spliced Red Miasma Bond
Class Armor
Nanophoenix Ship
    • NM Chest caps at 400 Light


See also: Wrath of the Machine Loot

Other Loot

Wrath of the Machine Weapons

WeaponTypeDamage TypeAttackImpactRangeStabilityReloadRate of FireMagazineZoomRecoilEquip SpeedAim Assist
((GENESIS CHAIN~))Auto RiflesSolar400284044737759754045
GENESIS CHAIN~Auto RiflesKinetic36528404473775915754555
ETHER NOVA~Fusion RiflesMultiple36574474583515478575
((FEVER AND REMEDY~))Hand CannonsSolar320–40081–8229–6210–5343–5022111585–1055055–65
FEVER AND REMEDY~Hand CannonsKinetic38081354143221115855065
IF MATERIA~Machine GunsMultiple380251935471007015805580
((STEEL MEDULLA~))Pulse RiflesVoid320–4001433–5968–10073–8066331780–10049–5436–41
STEEL MEDULLA~Pulse RiflesKinetic38014517173663317805436
SOUND AND FURY~Rocket LaunchersMultiple365627211220664036
((CHAOS DOGMA~))Scout RiflesArc320–40061–6282–9422–4545–592710–162066–862529–39
CHAOS DOGMA~Scout RiflesKinetic36561823252271220662539
ZEAL VECTOR~SidearmsMultiple3808257488981512957555
EX MACHINA~Sniper RiflesMultiple3803784325212350662235

Drops in NM:

Drops in HM:

Wrath of the Machine Armor

See also: Wrath of the Machine Armor

Note that Spliced Armor are dropped from Heroic Mode.

Wrath of the Machine Titan Armor

Cosmoclast GauntletsGauntlets365 - 38535 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Cosmoclast GreavesLeg Armor365 - 38547 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Cosmoclast HelmHelmets365 - 38539 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Cosmoclast MarkTitan Marks365 - 38521 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Cosmoclast PlateChest Armor365 - 38551 - 8651 - 8651 - 86
Spliced Cosmoclast GauntletsGauntlets380 - 40035 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Spliced Cosmoclast GreavesLeg Armor380 - 40047 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Spliced Cosmoclast HelmHelmets380 - 40039 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Spliced Cosmoclast MarkTitan Marks380 - 40021 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Spliced Cosmoclast PlateChest Armor380 - 40051 - 8651 - 8651 - 86

Wrath of the Machine Hunter Armor

Nanomania BootsLeg Armor365 - 38547 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Nanomania CloakHunter Cloaks365 - 38521 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Nanomania GraspsGauntlets365 - 38535 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Nanomania MaskHelmets365 - 38539 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Nanomania VestChest Armor365 - 38551 - 8651 - 8651 - 86
Spliced Nanomania BootsLeg Armor380 - 40047 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Spliced Nanomania CloakHunter Cloaks380 - 40021 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Spliced Nanomania GraspsGauntlets380 - 40035 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Spliced Nanomania MaskHelmets380 - 40039 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Spliced Nanomania VestChest Armor380 - 40051 - 8651 - 8651 - 86

Wrath of the Machine Warlock Armor

Red Miasma BondWarlock Bonds365 - 38521 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Red Miasma BootsLeg Armor365 - 38547 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Red Miasma GlovesGauntlets365 - 38535 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Red Miasma HoodHelmets365 - 38539 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Red Miasma RobesChest Armor365 - 38551 - 8651 - 8651 - 86
Spliced Red Miasma BondWarlock Bonds380 - 40021 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Spliced Red Miasma BootsLeg Armor380 - 40047 - 7947 - 7947 - 79
Spliced Red Miasma GlovesGauntlets380 - 40035 - 6035 - 6035 - 60
Spliced Red Miasma HoodHelmets380 - 40039 - 6739 - 6739 - 67
Spliced Red Miasma RobesChest Armor380 - 40051 - 8651 - 8651 - 86

Wrath of the Machine Ghost Shells

Ghost ShellRarityIntellectDisciplineStrength
Amalgam ShellLegendary21 - 3521 - 3521 - 35
Infection ShellLegendary21 - 3521 - 3521 - 35

Infection is from NM while Amalgam is from HM.

Wrath of the Machine Artifacts

Note that Perfected Artifacts are dropped from Heroic Mode.

Perfected SIVA CapsuleWarlock Artifact380-40030 - 8130 - 11630 - 81
Perfected SIVA CoreTitan Artifact380-40030 - 8130 - 11630 - 81
Perfected SIVA ShardHunter Artifact380-40030 - 11630 - 8130 - 81
SIVA CapsuleWarlock Artifact38030 - 8130 - 11630 - 81
SIVA CoreTitan Artifact38030 - 8130 - 11630 - 81
SIVA ShardHunter Artifact38030 - 11630 - 8130 - 81

Weapon Loadout

Vosik I Weapon Loadout

Primary: honestly, anything you want. I'm a big fan of Hand Cannons with Explosive Rounds (for most of this raid, actually). My reasoning is that Splicer Vandals have tricky crit spots, and Shanks don't have crit spots at all - ER gives you more bang for your buck on body shots, staggers individuals and groups, and suffers less from damage drop off. That plus the fact that an ER HC will one-shot shanks from any distance you care to fire from. The only major drawback is the criminally low inventory size. You could also use a Scout Rifle with ER, but I find those aren't as snappy so tend to avoid unless I'm running out of ammo a lot. I'd recommend Fatebringer or your best Fakebringer with ER (although NB Firefly and Outlaw are mostly wasted perks in this raid - a good Fakebringer with Army of One or something is more valuable). I used Exile's Student for the longest time, too.

  • Avoid: nothing, really. If your primary is obviously awful, don't use it (cough low impact Pulse Rifles cough). Exotics.

Special: this one's up to you, again. I like to run a Sniper Rifle (Ex Machina, personal choice) because it makes for easy kills on the big shanks that spawn from under the middle stage. Your typical god-roll Event Horizon or Eirene RR4 will do. You may find it easier running a shotgun to deal with vandals if you're guarding the left Spinner, for example. Low-impact, high RoF shotguns like Proud Spire with Full Auto are very valuable.

  • Avoid: low-impact Snipers (high impacts are much better at their job - go get an Event Horizon). I've personally found no use for Fusion Rifles or Sidearms. Exotics.

Heavy: tricky choice - Sleeper Simulant is theoretically the best thing you can use to 2phase Vosik, but the trouble is that he likes to dance around the stage like an elderly Mick Jagger, as he's being fired at from three different directions and doesn't know where to face. It makes landing those crits somewhat tricky. You might elect to run Gjallarhorn or your best Legendary Rocket Launcher instead for the more reliable bursts of damage.

  • Avoid: Machine Guns I guess?

Vosik II Weapon Loadout

Primary: similar situation as above, really. Fatebringer can realize its potential fully against groups of Dregs, and Explosive Rounds really pulls its weight against Shanks and Vandals. Ammo is a big issue though, so you might be better served with a Scout. Aim for the high impact archetype with Explosive Rounds and perks like Army of One - think Keystone 01, Badger CCL, Hand of Judgment etc. Personally I'm a huge fan of Genesis Chain here - the high impact Auto Rifle with Focus Fire and Firefly. It really messes up the enemies in this section, and you don't really have to concentrate when using it. Added bonus comes from Whirlwind, which gives bonus agility and damage against Fallen. It only really falls short against the shanks which spawn past 50%hp.

  • Avoid: anything that's obviously bad. Exotics.

Special: it's important to coordinate with your team. If your lane partner is running a Shotgun, you're better off with a Sniper for example. Or, if you're running Dark Drinker there's no point running a Shotgun. Low impact Shotguns with Full Auto in grape (void) flavor can really mess up yellow bar Captains, and reduce a lane's reliance on Dark Drinker (freeing up a heavy for another Sleeper). Alternatively, Snipers like Ex Machina give great damage against the Monitors and Vosik himself should you elect away from Sleeper.

  • Avoid: obviously bad choices such as Fusion Rifles and Sidearms. Exotics.

Heavy: Your choice should be between Sleeper Sim and Dark Drinker. If your lane has a good Shotgun and/or a Voidlock, don't bother with the Dark Drinker - it's only good for killing one enemy (yellow captains), and negatively impacts your team's boss DPS considerably. Otherwise, Sleeper Sim all the way for that sweet, sweet massive damage against the boss. You could alternatively use Gjally, but don't expect to be MVP.

  • Avoid: non-exotic heavies. Bolt Caster.

Siege Engine Weapon Loadout

Primary: Genesis Chain is a great choice against the hordes of dregs at the start if you're short on super energy. Otherwise just use whatever - you won't be using it much. Long range Scouts are good choices against Turrets and the Spooder Tank if you're out of special ammo.

  • Avoid: No Land Beyond.

Special: Sniper Rifles all the way. Great damage against the Zamboni and Ship turrets, and a team of good Snipers can down the Spooder Tank extremely quickly. If you don't own a Sniper, Shotguns as above are good for mob clean-up.

  • Avoid: anything not Sniper-shaped, especially Fusion Rifles.

Heavy: my go-to is Dark Drinker for easy Captain takedowns and close quarters crowd control. Rockets can be useful against crowds, as can grape flavor Machine Guns. Running Sword means you can boost your teammates whilst they carry components, too.

  • Avoid: nothing, really. Just pull your weight.

Aksis I Weapon Loadout

Primary: see previous notes - your primary foe is Dreg-shaped. You shouldn't have much trouble dealing with them. High impact Scouts, Hand Cannons the Trials Scout and Steel Medulla will one-shot Shanks.

  • Avoid: nothing, really. Your exotic slot is best spent elsewhere.

Special: Snipers are great against the Turrets, especially Ex Machina. No real reason to run anything else - Shotguns may help against Captains - see notes above.

  • Avoid: Fusion Rifles, Sidearms.

Heavy: Dark Drinker or Gjally for an easy Captain takedown. Anything else is sub-optimal, and there's nothing to DPS, really.

  • Avoid: anything that doesn't quickly take down your Captain.

Aksis II Weapon Loadout

Primary: Your only worry here is Shanks. Use either a Hand Cannon with ER (avoids damage drop-off at range), a high impact Scout with ER (not quite as snappy as an HC but gets the job done - less reliable in panic situations), or the Steel Medulla on Challenge Mode for the extra agility from Whirlwind. NB I don't know if Steel Medulla will still one-burst Shanks at 390.

  • Avoid: weapons which don't one-shot Shanks.

Special: Snipers all the way - if you're stuck on the opposite side of the arena with no Cannon, a PvE god-Sniper (1KYS w/Triple Tap, Casket Mag, SnP etc etc) can really do some work. NB that Aksis doesn't count as Fallen for the purpose of Whirlwind, so Ex Machina is less valuable than the current Event Horizon, which has Casket Mag, SnP and a potentially higher base reload speed. Everyone should be using Dark Drinker, so no need for Shotguns.

  • Avoid: everything else.

Heavy: Dark Drinker. Nothing else will suffice. Ideally you're also running Radegast for the extra ammo. Use it to kill Captains, and then just lay into Aksis' legs whenever you get the fucking chance during Teleports. Razelighter is a close second, but won't do as much damage because I dunno, Destiny physics hand wave.

  • Avoid: everything else.

Strategy Guide

See also: Wrath of the Machine#Strategy Guide
Heroic Mode Video Guide

Vosik Phase 1

Really no changes here, besides him having marginally more health, and the surrounding adds being stronger on account of the Heroic difficulty.

Vosik Phase 2

There are 3 main changes in this fight:

  • 6 SIVA Charges drop instead of 3
  • The monitors that need shooting are the big ones in the middle, instead of the smaller ones. The big monitors are easier to see but have more health.
  • Safe rooms have the shutters lowered so you will need to crouch walk or slide into them - you can't walk in

Fundamentally the fight plays out the same as normal mode, but now all 6 members of your team will need to throw SIVA charges to down Vosik's shield. Besides that, the fight plays out the same way.

Siege Engine

Again, largely the same - more adds, and again stronger than in normal mode, but the only real change comes in the form of a Devil Walker that gets dropped in during the second part just in front of the Siege Engine's ramp. You'll need to take this out, or at least disable it if you want to move the parts past it.

Aksis Phase 1

This fight also plays out largely the same, the only change here is that there are 3 SIVA turrets - one in the middle (above the SIVA node/pannel), one on the left and right, both up high.

Turrets are easy to take out, but they will reactivate every 20 seconds. Keep an eye on these, they HURT and if they are left unchecked they'll be the thing that causes your team to wipe.

Other than that, the fight is the same.

Aksis Phase 2

Once again, much the same - the main difference is that once you have killed the captains and taken the cannons, there will be 9 Servitors in total (the same as Aksis Phase 1, round 3).

This means that after each SIVA charge has been thrown, you need to be ready to grab the next one. Each rotation will see 9 SIVA charges being thrown as opposed to the previous 3. (This technically speeds up rotations, and allows you to get to DPS quicker).

Also the turrets from Phase 1 are gone, so really the only thing you need to do is manage more Servitors and SIVA charges.

Only other change is at the very end; when he teleports back to mid for the 'Oryx trick' (where he tries to kill you on next to no HP), he will phase in and out for the first few seconds which will likely result in some wasted shots. After that he begins the SIVA density move and this is when you need to kill him.

Tips and Tricks

  • There are 7 Age of Triumph Ornaments in total to be had this week (6 from the Raid, 1 for the completion)
  • Isenfyre Tokens can be taken to Shiro and traded for Vanguard Rep
  • The SIVA Cache chests DO NOT provide Adept chances – Only Challenge Mode Completions
  • Normal Mode gear as well as Spliced HM Gear STILL drops
  • MONITORS - If you turn on the 1st Monitor at Vosik Phase 2 AND WIPE, the Monitor switches off. Please turn the monitor on AFTER he has gone down to ensure it stays on for your Outbreak Prime Quest
  • Vosik will DESTROY Titan bubbles with his cannon. Use them in cover and dip in and out to utilise it’s buffs
  • If a player goes down at Vosik and you wish to continue the fight rather than wipe, you can use the spare bomb to KILL/CLEAR ADS (they one shot the Captains)
  • Self Rez Warlocks CANNOT Revive if killed by Vosiks SIVA Blast. If you find yourself locked out of the clean room or behind the Room run. Jump off the edge / suicide to safely Self Rez for the next phase
  • If you run Left/Right after the first damage phase you can ALWAYS run to the opposite side AFTER the second DPS phase as its guaranteed 2 doors will always be available so one MUST be lit on the opposite side to the clean room you visited first
  • On the Shank round for Vosik. Shooting the exploder shanks first will damage / destroy all other enemies within it's blast radius
  • Siege Engine - When running to the Skiff to collect the engine parts. The front turrets on the skiff CAN BE destroyed to prevent it shooting at you whilst running towards / collecting parts. You can also disable them using Hunter Smokes / Poison
  • When running towards the Engine Parts dropping Skiff, Hunters can throw Poison at the front turrets of the SKiff, temporarily disabling them and stopping any further fire from them until the effect wears off
  • The parts to be delivered to the Siege Engine are placed as follows // Drive Shaft goes right (Closest to the ramp) // The Warhead goes in the middle (Run up ramp and run forward, it's just to the left of the middle platform running towards the back) // Engine Block goes back left (Turn left and then right moving towards the back)
  • AKSIS takes damage IMMEDIATLEY after the last bomb hits him BEFORE the first teleport - He also takes damage BEFORE the first back slam phase, NOT after the slam. So if he’s not on your side as soon as that last bomb hits / he teleports in, unleash the beast
  • AKSIS Phase 1 (HM) - The turrets do not need to be downed during the add waves. Instead, stay outside of their attack radius and wait until your side is ready to push the captain before downing the turret. This will provide more consistency in add control and allows the SIVA thrower to anticipate when the turret will reactivate (~20 seconds).
  • When AKSIS is just about to teleport, a little 'whirl' appears either the front, left or right of him (It's tricky to tell the difference between bottom mid and back mid depending on your angle) but it's only brief