Weekly Nightfall Strike
- See also: Strikes and Strike Playlist
[hide]Year 2
Weekly Nightfall Strike in Year 2, require the players to be level 40 and have 280 Light. When all players in the fireteam die, players are no longer sent up into the orbit and forced to restart the Strike. It has a 30 second penalty after death, same as to normal raids. The experience buff gained upon completion has also been removed.
Possible Rewards
Upon completion the player can receive one of the following:
- Sparrow Toolkit
- Custom Horn Kit
- Emotes
- Ghost Shells
- Strange Coins
- Three of Coins
- Legendary Engrams
- Legendary Weapon
- Legendary Armor
- Exotic Weapon
- Exotic Armor
Year 1
Weekly Nightfall Strike is a Strike with various random modifiers. It is the same as the Weekly Heroic Strike of the week, but more difficult and includes the Nightfall modifier. Nightfall modifier means that if your entire fire team dies/wipe, you will be automatically returned to Orbit and lose any progress you have made on the Strike. By completing the Nightfall strike, you are rewarded a buff which increases ALL Reputation, Experience and Mark gained by 25% until the weekly reset on Tuesday 9AM PST. If possible, complete this in your first online time after the reset!
- Note that Weekly Nightfall Strike, similar to Heroic Strike, are not available through matchmaking. You will need to form your own fire team or solo it.
- Nightfall does not increase your Iron Banner Reputation gains.
Possible Rewards
Along with the guaranteed buff to exp, rep and mark and 500 Vanguard Reputation points, players can other rewards include:
- Strange Coins
- Legendary and Exotic Engrams
- Legendary and Exotic Gear
- Ascendant Shard
- Ascendant Energy