Weapon Barrels

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See also: Weapon Perks
Accurized Ballistics+5%+10-10This barrel provides enhanced range and damage, but more recoil.
Aggressive Ballistics+10%-5-5Enhanced damage and predictably vertical recoil, but at the cost of shorter range and sharper recoil.
Aggressive Launch+??-??-??More predictable recoil. Enhanced Impact. Shorter range and more recoil.
CQB Ballistics0-10+15This barrel provides greatly reduced recoil at the cost of range.
Confined Launch??-??+??Greatly reduced recoil. Significant penalty to range.
Field Choke+5%+12-15This barrel provides tighter spread, increasing range and damage but greatly increasing recoil.
Hard Launch+??+??-??More range and Impact. Increased recoil.
Linear Compensator5%+5-10This barrel increases recoil, but its recoil is more predictably vertical. Slight boosts to range and damage.
Smart Drift Control0-15+20This barrel cuts down range, but it greatly reduces recoil, and the remaining recoil is more predictably vertical.
Smooth Ballistics0-5+10This barrel provides reduced recoil, but reduced range.
Soft Ballistics-5%0+10This barrel provides reduced recoil, but reduced damage.
Soft Launch????+??Less recoil. Penalty to Velocity.
Last modified 7 years ago

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