Browse wiki
Stormtrance |
Class | Warlock + |
Cooldown | ??? + |
Description | Chain Arc Lightning from your hands. + |
Perk 1 | Landfall + |
Perk 2 | Superconductor + |
Perk 3 | Ionic Blink + |
Subclass | Stormcaller + |
Type | Supers + |
Has improper value for "Has improper value for" is a predefined property to track input errors for irregular value annotations that was likely caused by type or allowed value restrictions.
Key Bind + |
Categories | Abilities , Stormcaller , Supers , Warlock , Stormcaller Abilities |
Modification date This property is a special property in this wiki.
21 September 2017 01:01:50 + |
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Ionic Blink + , Landfall + , Superconductor (Perk) + | Ability |