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Sterling Treasure
Acquired by The Prison of Elders + , Weekly Crucible Playlist + , Purchased from Tess for 200 Silver + , Logging into game +
Description Contains 1 Guaranteed Item and up to 4 Possible Items. This item is nonreturnable. +
Function Contains Chroma and Taken-themed Gear +
Rarity Legendary +
Type Mystery Bags +
Categories April Update , Inventory , Mystery Bags , The Taken King , Year 2 , Challenge of the Elders , Prison of Elders , Tess Everis
Modification date
This property is a special property in this wiki.
16 April 2016 20:16:12  +
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Blue Chroma + , Bond of the Desolate + , Cloak of Desolation + , Crucible Reputation Booster + , Desolate Boots + , Desolate Cover + , Desolate Gauntlets + , Desolate Gloves + , Desolate Greaves + , Desolate Grips + , Desolate Helm + , Desolate Legs + , Desolate Plate + , Desolate Robes + , Desolate Veil + , Desolate Vest + , Green Chroma + , House of Judgment Reputation Booster + , Magneta Chroma + , Mark of Desolation + ... Acquired by


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