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Skolas, Wolf Kell (Bounty)
Description Skolas and his crew challenge the Guardians who captured him. Face him with a Fireteam of three. End him. +
Location The Reef, Asteroid Belt +
Players 3 +
Tier 4 Level 35 +
Type Arenas +
Categories Activities , Arenas , House of Wolves
Modification date
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12 July 2015 18:48:54  +
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Aegis of the Kell II + , Hildian Seeker + , Kellbreaker + , Six Dreg Pride II + , The Queen's Web + , Wolfslayer's Claw II + , Wolves' Leash II + Acquired by
Skola's Revenge + , Skolas + , Skolas, Wolf Kell + , Skolas, Wolf Kell (Bounty) + redirect page


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