AOS Cryptid (Helmet) +
, Armada Type 3 (Helmet) +
, Battlecage of Kabr (Year 1) +
, Cowl of the Hezen Lords +
, Cultist's Cover +
, Cultist's Helm +
, Cultist's Hood +
, DURGA-GNT Type 0 (Helmet) +
, Dustwalker (Helmet) +
, Eclipse Maw VI (Helmet) +
, Eyes of the Kell +
, Facade of the Hezen Lords (Year 1) +
, Faceguard of Kabr +
, Ghost Angel (Helmet) +
, Gravebreaker +
, H LD Starwinder (Helmet) +
, Helm of the Seven +
, Hood of the Seven +
, Hood of the Sojourn +
, ISTANU-GNT Razor (Helmet) +