Movement Speed
Your run speed is about 5 meters per second. Having high agility increases your run speed to over 6 meters per second. The amount agility increases your movement speed is the same across all classes. This means that if Hunter, Warlock and Titan all had the same agility stat they would all run at the same speed.
- Hunter starts with 5 agility while Warlock and Titan start with 1 agility.
When you are holding a Heavy Weapon such as Rocket Launcher or Machine Gun, you move about 20% slower.
While crouching, you move about 50% slower than your run speed.
All players sprint at the same speed regardless of agility, class or weapon. Hunter has Fleet Footed perk that increases their sprint speed but without it they sprint at the same speed as other classes.
Lightweight perk does not add a flat amount of agility. When you have higher agility Lightweight increases your movement speed more. At 1 agility, you move 3.2% faster, at medium agility you move 5.6% faster, at maximum agility you move 8.4% faster.