
Quest Task Reward
SRL: Class C License Complete 5 races. EV-40 Snowscream
SRL: Class B License Hit 200 gates overall and hit 60 gates in a single race. Racing Legs, Racing Gloves
SRL: Class A License Finish 10 times in top 3 and hit 15 gates consecutively. Racing Suit
SRL: Class S License Win 3 races and finish 3 races without losing your sparrow. Racing Helmet/Crash Helmet/Racing Wings
Winner's Circle
With Finesse and Speed* Kill Taken and Taken Ultras
Complete 2 Tier 3 Court of Oryx
Complete Outbound Signal and Fear's Embrace within time limits
EV-42 Nightsteed

*Only available to PS3 and PS4 players.

Last modified 9 years ago

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