Trials of Osiris

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The main NPC for Trials of Osiris is Brother Vance. This game mode is only available on the weekends, from Friday to Tuesday (reset date).

Trials of Osiris is the 3v3 Team Deathmatch event in The Crucible. In this mode, two teams of 3 players each battle each other for the best Kill/Death ratio. Trials of Osiris takes place exclusively on The Burning Shrine PvP Map on Mercury.

By participating in Trials of Osiris, players can earn unique Weapons, Armor, Emblems, Shaders, Sparrow, Ascendant Shard, Ascendant Energy and Crucible Marks.

How to Participate

To enter Trials of Osiris, players need to spend 1 Mote of Light each. Players can keep playing as long as they keep winning. As soon as the player loses 3 times, they will need to spend another Mote of Light to enter.


Only the worthy may face the Trials of Osiris, for only the worthy are strong enough to endure what is to come. A string of victories will earn great rewards - but lose too many matches, and you're out.


  • Kill the best player / player with the most kills / best KDA

Tips and Tricks

Weapon Rewards

 TypeDamage TypeAttackImpactRate of FireRangeStabilityReloadMagazineZoomRecoilEquip SpeedAim Assist
Astral HorizonShotgunsVoid365-36567825628512802824
Binary DawnShotgunsMultiple280678251628512802824
Blind PerditionPulse RiflesKinetic3007733864762117607161
Burning EyeScout RiflesKinetic30048377649691620804864
Doctrine of PassingAuto RiflesKinetic28028773254623615803650
Elevating VisionFusion RiflesMultiple28071284561615403484
Exile's CurseFusion RiflesSolar365-36571284561615403484
Exile's StudentHand CannonsKinetic3006832193949915987994
Eye of SolSniper RiflesSolar365-3651340704085540558961
Glass PromontorySniper RiflesMultiple2801340704085540558961
Jewel of OsirisHand CannonsKinetic365-3658122403243917603775
Reflection SumPulse RiflesKinetic28030595959532417662335
Stellar VestigeFusion RiflesVoid30087385666615615762
The Infinite TheoremMachine GunsArc365-36553661260293115782670
The Inward LampScout RiflesKinetic28061277740581320603240
The MessengerPulse RiflesKinetic365-36530595959532417662335
The ScholarScout RiflesKinetic36561277740581320603240
The SummonerAuto RiflesKinetic365-36528773254622715803650
The TamarindRocket LaunchersMultiple28095471220705866
The Unseeing EyeMachine GunsMultiple28053661560297815782670
The Water StarHand CannonsKinetic2808122403243915603775
The Winged WordSniper RiflesVoid3003119705169449625359
Tomorrow's AnswerRocket LaunchersVoid365-36594671220705866
Unraveling ThreadShotgunsVoid3006114184040512784748
Vision StoneAuto RiflesKinetic3008883155833715557974

Armor Rewards

Titan Armor

Blindsight GauntletsGauntlets260
Blindsight GreavesLeg Armor260
Blindsight PlateChest Armor260
Gauntlets of the ExileGauntlets40242
Golden Bull MaskHelmets280
Greaves of the ExileLeg Armor40242
Helm of the ExileHelmets49142
Imperieuse HelmHelmets341-42524-33-27
Plate of the ExileChest Armor53642
Scarab's Vigil GauntletsGauntlets300 - 400
Scarab's Vigil GreavesLeg Armor300 - 400
Scarab's Vigil HelmHelmets300 - 400
Scarab's Vigil MarkTitan Marks300 - 400
Scarab's Vigil PlateChest Armor300 - 400
Sublime Light MarkTitan Marks?
Watchers' GauntletsGauntlets366-40236-42
Watchers' GreavesLeg Armor347-40236-42
Watchers' HelmHelmets341-42524-33-27
Watchers' PlateChest Armor488-53636-42
Winged Sun GauntletsGauntlets280
Winged Sun GreavesLeg Armor280
Winged Sun PlateChest Armor280

Hunter Armor

Blindsight LegsLeg Armor260
Blindsight SleevesGauntlets260
Blindsight VestChest Armor260
Boots of the ExileLeg Armor40242
Burning Eye MaskHelmets280
Cover of the ExileHelmets49142
Grips of the ExileGauntlets40242
Lion's Vigil CloakHunter Cloaks300 - 400
Lion's Vigil GripsGauntlets300 - 400
Lion's Vigil MaskHelmets300 - 400
Lion's Vigil StridesLeg Armor300 - 400
Lion's Vigil VestChest Armor300 - 400
Mantle of Sublime LightHunter Cloaks?
Sidhe Sign HelmHelmets341-42524-33-27
Vest of the ExileChest Armor53642
Watchers' BootsLeg Armor347-40236-42
Watchers' CoverHelmets341-42524-33-27
Watchers' GripsGauntlets366-40236-42
Watchers' VestChest Armor488-53636-42
Winged Sun LegsLeg Armor280
Winged Sun SleevesGauntlets280
Winged Sun VestChest Armor280

Warlock Armor

Blind Jackal MaskHelmets280
Blindsight BootsLeg Armor260
Blindsight GlovesGauntlets260
Blindsight VestmentsChest Armor260
Cobra's Vigil BondWarlock Bonds300 - 400
Cobra's Vigil GlovesGauntlets300 - 400
Cobra's Vigil HoodHelmets300 - 400
Cobra's Vigil RobesChest Armor300 - 400
Cobra's Vigil StepsLeg Armor300 - 400
Gloves of the ExileGauntlets40242
Holocide HelmHelmets341-42524-33-27
Hood of the ExileHelmets49142
Legs of the ExileLeg Armor40242
Robe of the ExileChest Armor53642
Sublime Light BondWarlock Bonds?
Watchers' BootsLeg Armor347-40236-42
Watchers' GlovesGauntlets366-40236-42
Watchers' HoodHelmets341-42524-33-27
Watchers' RobeChest Armor488-53636-42
Winged Sun BootsLeg Armor280
Winged Sun GlovesGauntlets280
Winged Sun VestmentsChest Armor280

Class Armor

Bond of the ExileWarlock Bonds
Cloak of the ExileHunter Cloaks
Cobra's Vigil BondWarlock Bonds
Lion's Vigil CloakHunter Cloaks
Mantle of Sublime LightHunter Cloaks
Mark of the ExileTitan Marks
Scarab's Vigil MarkTitan Marks
Sublime Light BondWarlock Bonds
Sublime Light MarkTitan Marks
Watchers' CloakHunter Cloaks




Other Rewards

Crimson DoublesCombined ArmsIron BannerTrials of Osiris
Inferno ClashInferno ControlInferno RumbleInferno SalvageInferno Skirmish