Year 3 Consumables

See also: Consumables and Rise of Iron
 RarityAcquired byFunction
A Doom ForetoldLegendary??????????
All Hallows' EveLegendary????????
Amanda's TagLegendaryAchieving level 5 on Competitive Spirit Record BookOpens one of three large gifts in the Tower
Arena EngramLegendaryPurchased from Crucible Handler for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 Crucible gear
Dusty Iron EngramLegendaryPurchursed from Lord Saladin for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 IB gear
Enhanced SIVA OfferingRareDefeating Splicers in Patrol and Archon's ForgeActivates Light Level 340 Event in Archon's Forge
Essence of the AbyssLegendary??????????
Exodus EngramLegendaryPurchased from Dead Orbit Vendor for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 Dead Orbit gear
Felwinter SouvenirCommonTreasures of The DawningTurns your head into a giant snow globe.
Fused SIVA OfferingUncommonDefeating Splicers in Patrol and Archon's ForgeActivates Light Level 320 Event in Archon's Forge
Hunter's Surge of LightLegendary???Level 40 boost for 1 Hunter
1 subclass boost and telemetries.
Icy EngramLegendary
Iron Armor: ArmsLegendaryCompleting Rise of Iron Record Book milestonesGrants 3 pieces of Days of Iron Gauntlets (1 per class)
Iron Armor: ChestLegendaryCompleting Rise of Iron Record Book milestonesGrants 3 pieces of Days of Iron Chest Armor (1 per class)
Iron Armor: Class ItemsLegendaryRise of Iron Record BookGrants 3 pieces of Days of Iron Class Armor (1 per class)
Iron Armor: HeadLegendaryCompleting Rise of Iron Record Book milestonesGrants 3 pieces of Days of Iron Helmet (1 per class)
Iron Armor: LegsLegendaryCompleting Rise of Iron Record Book milestonesGrants 3 pieces of Days of Iron Leg Armor (1 per class)
Iron EngramLegendaryPurchased from Lord SaladinDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 gear
Iron Lords' LegacyLegendaryCompleting Noble Deeds in The Plaguelands for Tyra KarnExchange for an Iron Lord Artifact from Tyra Karn
Isenfyre TokenLegendaryWrath of the MachinePlaces in the central fire to shoot you onto the tower
Where a SIVA Cluster is. Also opens the door across the bridge.
Knuckles of EaoLegendaryVault of Glass (Age of Triumph)
Crota's End (Age of Triumph)
King's Fall (Age of Triumph)
Increases the rewards from the next raid encounter in a Weekly Featured Raid
Paper FortuneCommonOpening Box of Fortunes gift box in The Tower during The Dawning.???
Perfected SIVA OfferingLegendaryDefeating Splicers in Patrol and Archon's ForgeActivates Light Level 360 Event in Archon's Forge
Radiant TreasureLegendaryPurchased from Tess Everis for ??? SilverContains 1 Silver Dust
1 Exotic Weapon Ornament
2 possible additional items
SIVA Cache KeyLegendaryWrath of the Machine (Quest)
Consume 10 SIVA Key Fragments
Used to open SIVA Caches in Wrath of the Machine raid. Each Cache grants reward once per week.
Saladin's TagLegendaryAchieving level 9 on Competitive Spirit Record BookOpens one of three large gifts in the Tower
Silver DustRareOpening Radiant Treasure
Dismantling Weapon and Armor Ornaments
Apply Ornaments
Purchase Artifact Lens and others from Eververse
Purchase Chroma from Eva
Purchase Ornaments from Xur
Purchase Emotes
Purchase Faction Engrams
Purchase Weapon Ornaments
Skeleton KeyLegendaryCompleting SIVA Crisis / Heroic SIVA Crisis / Weekly Vanguard Nightfall
None are Perfect and A Light in the Dark Quests.
Opens a Strike Hoard to obtain a Strike-specific reward.
Snow DregCommonTreasures of The DawningGives you a snowman's head cosmetic.
Splicer Intel RelayLegendaryKill a Brood Mother / Brood Enforcer
Kill a Splicer Emissary / Splicer Emissary Captain
Khvostov 7G Schematic
Rare Engrams or Archon's Forge Gear up to 365 Light
Rare and Legendary Engrams
Splicer KeyLegendaryDefeating SIVA Fallen enemiesOpens doorways that are blocked by orange lasers
Get back into Archon's Forge event after dying
Spring 2016 EmoteRarePurchased from Tess Everis for 200 SilverContains an emote from Spring 2016. Most likely contain an emote not currently owned.
Sterling EngramLegendaryPurchased from Eververse for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 Spektar gear
Titan's Surge of LightLegendary???Level 40 boost for 1 Titan
1 subclass boost and telemetries.
Treasure of AgesLegendaryPurchased from Eververse Trading Company for 200 Silver
Weekly Crucible Playlist
Weekly Story Mission
SIVA Heroic Strikes
The Box includes new ornaments
Gear and armor from previous Mystery Bags.
Treasures of The DawningLegendaryPurchased from Eververse Trading Company during The Dawning
Treasures of the LostLegendaryPurchased from Eververse during Festival of the Lost for 200 Silver eachContains 2016 Masks
Bad Juju Ornaments
FoTL Sparrow
Ghost Shell and Consumables
Triad EngramLegendaryPurchased from Titan Vanguard
Hunter Vanguard
Warlock Vanguard and Vanguard Quartermaster for 5 Silver Dust
Decrypts into Year 1 and 2 Vanguard gear
Unity EngramLegendaryPurchased from New Monarchy Vendor for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 New Monarchy gear
Warlock's Surge of LightLegendary???Level 40 boost for 1 Warlock
1 subclass boost and telemetries.
Warpath EngramLegendaryPurchased from Future War Cult Vendor for 5 Silver DustDecrypts into Year 1 and 2 Future War Cult gear
Wear Your TriumphLegendaryAchieve Rank 7 in Age of Triumph Record BookAllows the player to purchase a Age of Triumph T-Shirt from
Worm's InheritanceLegendaryCrota's End (Age of Triumph)The Crux of Darkness
Xur's TagLegendaryAchieving level 7 on Competitive Spirit Record BookOpens one of three large gifts in the Tower
Last modified 8 years ago

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