Age of Triumph (Quest)

Revision as of 19:17, 28 March 2017 by Coolio (Talk | contribs) (Step 2: Eternal Vigilance)

Age of Triumph (Quest)
Age of Triumph (Quest)
Type Quest
Quest Type Age of Triumph Quest
Previous  ??
Next  ??
Description A Guardian's journey to bring Light to the Darkness.
Age of Triumph (Quest) is a level ?? Age of Triumph Quest

Step 1: Destroy the Darkness

Step 2: Eternal Vigilance

Step 3: Shining Your Light

Step 4: Visit The Speaker

Step 5: Striking Back

Step 6: In the Gloom

Step 7: In the Gloom

Step 8: Up to the Challenge

Step 9: Victory or Death

Step 10: The Speaker Calls

Step 11: The Traveler's Will

Step 12: Return to the Speaker

Last modified 8 years ago

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