The Tower is one of the locations that servers as the social hub area where players congregate. Players will find various quest-giving and vendor NPCs in the Tower. While in the Tower, the players can examine their own or each other's gear via the 3rd person perspective. It is a place where players can socialize with friends or mingle with strangers. They can purchase new weapons and armor and compare them with others.
- Note that each instance of The Tower can hold about 16 people max..
Vendors and NPCs
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NPCs are friendly non-player characters that are found in The Tower, Vestian Outpost and Felwinter Peak. Some NPCs act as Vendors and sell items to the players, while others offer a variety of services such as bounties or Quests.
The Tower
- Titan Vanguard (Commander Zavala) - Sells Titan Vanguard Armor and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Hunter Vanguard (Cayde-6) - Sells Hunter Vanguard Armor and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Warlock Vanguard (Ikora Rey) - Sells Warlock Vanguard Armor and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Vanguard Quartermaster (Roni 55-30) Sells Vanguard Weapons and planetary materials in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Crucible Handler (Lord Shaxx) - Sells Crucible Armor and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Crucible Quartermaster (Arcite 99-40) - Sells Crucible Weapons in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- New Monarchy Vendor (Executor Hideo) - Sells New Monarchy Weapons, Armor, and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Dead Orbit Vendor (Arach Jalaal) - Sells Dead Orbit Weapons, Armor, and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Future War Cult Vendor (Lakshmi-2) - Sells Future War Cult Weapons, Armor, and Ghost Shells in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Crota's Bane (Eris Morn) - Sells Crota's Bane Class Items in exchange for Legendary Marks as well as ammo synths and items related to the Court of Oryx activity.
- Gunsmith (Banshee-44) - Provides Test Weapons, sells weapon parts and armor materials, and sells Foundry Weapon Orders that can be collected each Wednesday.
- Bounty Tracker - Provides players with daily bounties.
- Cryptarch (Master Rahool) - Sells and decrypts Engrams.
- Postmaster - Delivers engrams and miscellaneous loot that the player failed to collect during activities.
- Shipwright (Amanda Holliday) - Sells Sparrows and Jumpships.
- Collections - Storage terminals that keep track of Shaders, Ships, Sparrows, Emblems, Emotes and Exotic Blueprints that the player has unlocked.
- Vaults - Allow the player to store items and transfer them between characters on the same account.
- Guardian Outfitter (Eva Levante) - Sells Emblems and Shaders for glimmer and provides chroma in exchange for Silver Dust.
- The Speaker - Sells Warlock Bonds, Titan Marks and Hunter Cloaks in exchange for Legendary Marks and Motes of Light.
- Tess Everis (Eververse) - The representative of Eververse. She sells unique cosmetic items such as emotes for Silver and Silver Dust.
Events and Misc.
- Xur (Agent of the Nine) - Appears on Friday and Saturday. Sells Exotic Gear and other curios in exchange for Strange Coins.
The Reef
- Petra Venj (Queen's Emissary) - Provides a combination of daily and weekly bounties for the Queen's Wrath faction.
- Variks, the Loyal(House of Judgement) - Provides bounties for the Prison of Elders and sells class items in exchange for Legendary Marks.
- Bounty Tracker - Provides players with daily bounties.
- Cryptarch (Master Ives) - Sells and decrypts Engrams.
- Postmaster - Delivers engrams and miscellaneous loot that the player failed to collect during activities.
- Vaults - Allow the player to store items and transfer them between characters on the same account.
- Eververse Trading Company - Sells cosmetic items such as Emotes and Artifact Lenses in exchange for Silver and Silver Dust.
Events and Misc.
- Brother Vance (Disciple of Osiris) - Provides bounties for the Trials of Osiris.
- Xur (Agent of the Nine) - Appears on Friday and Saturday. Sells Exotic Gear and other curios in exchange for Strange Coins.
The Iron Temple
- Shiro-4 - Provides weekly Iron Lord Bounties that reward Vanguard reputation.
- Bounty Tracker - Provides players with daily bounties.
- Cryptarch (Tyra Karn) - Sells and decrypts Engrams and provides players with Iron Lord Artifacts.
- Postmaster - Delivers engrams and miscellaneous loot that the player failed to collect during activities.
- Vaults - Allow the player to store items and transfer them between characters on the same account.
- Eververse Trading Company - Sells cosmetic items such as Emotes and Artifact Lenses in exchange for Silver and Silver Dust.
- Lord Saladin - Formerly the Iron Banner Vendor and now the main NPC of the Rise of Iron expansion. Sells Dusty Iron Engrams in exchange for Silver Dust.
Events and Misc.
- Lady Efrideet (Iron Banner Vendor - Only accessible during monthly Iron Banner Events. She provides weekly bounties and sells Iron Banner Weapons and Armor in exchange for Legendary Marks.