Void is a Damage Type symbolized by the orange purple. Voidwalker and Defender's abilities such as Nova Bomb and Ward of Dawn are Void abilities. Some enemies such as the Cabal Psion are weak to Void damage. Additionally, certain weapons deal Void Damage.
Void Abilities
Enemies Weak to Void Damage
Void Weapons
Void Damage Only
Type | Rarity | Attack | Acquired by | |
((STEEL MEDULLA~)) | Pulse Rifles | Exotic | 320–400 | Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode |
20/20 AMR7 (Year 3) | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 320 | Acquired from Quest The Crucible Acquired from Crimson Double |
44 Curtain Call | Shotguns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
77 Wizard (Year 3) | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 320 | Acquired from Quest The Crucible Acquired from Crimson Double |
Anton's Rule | Sidearms | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
Astral Horizon | Shotguns | Legendary | 365-365 | 7 wins on Trials Passage |
Atheon's Epilogue (Adept) | Auto Rifles | Exotic | 400 | |
Atheon's Epilogue (Year 1) | Auto Rifles | Legendary | 248-300 | Vault of Glass |
Bad Counsel IV | Shotguns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor Nightfall |
Bitter Edge 010 | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor Nightfall |
Bonekruscher | Machine Guns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
But Not Forgotten | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 300 | Archon's Forge |
Chain of Orbiks-Fel | Machine Guns | Legendary | 365-365 | Purchased from Variks Randomly obtained from Judgement's Chance |
Chaotic Neutral | Machine Guns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
Corrective Measure (Year 1) | Machine Guns | Legendary | 248-300 | Vault of Glass |
Corrective Measure (Year 3) | Machine Guns | Legendary | 365–400 | Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph) |
Dark-Drinker | Swords | Exotic | 310 - 320 | Quest: A Sword Reforged |
Deposition VII | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor Nightfall |
Disassembly Required | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
Doom of Chelchis (Adept) | Scout Rifles | Exotic | 320–400 | King's Fall (Age of Triumph) |
Dreadfang | Swords | Legendary | 320 | |
Each New Day | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
Elulim's Frenzy | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 300-335 | |
Ether Torch | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 248-300 | |
Event Horizon | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
Ex Astris | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
Eye of Sol III | Special Weapons | Legendary | 248-300 | |
First Citizen IX | Machine Guns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor Nightfall |
Harrowed Elulim's Frenzy (Year 2) | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 319–335 | |
Harrowed Elulim's Frenzy (Year 3) | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 365–400 | King's Fall (Age of Triumph) |
Harrowed Midha's Reckoning (Year 2) | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 319–335 | |
Harrowed Midha's Reckoning (Year 3) | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 365–400 | King's Fall (Age of Triumph) |
I4I Reciprocal | Hand Cannons | Legendary | 248-300 | |
Impeacher V | Sidearms | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from New Monarchy Vendor Nightfall |
Last-Ditch 001 | Shotguns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor Nightfall |
Matador 64 (Year 1) | Shotguns | Legendary | 272-331 | The Crucible |
Matador 64 (Year 3) | Shotguns | Legendary | 320 | The Crucible Acquired from Quest Acquired from Crimson Double |
Midha's Reckoning | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 300-335 | |
Nova Mortis | Machine Guns | Exotic | 320 - 370 | Quest: Songs of the Void |
Occam's Razor | Shotguns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
Praedyth's Revenge (Year 1) | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 248-300 | Vault of Glass |
Praedyth's Revenge (Year 3) | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 365–400 | Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph) |
Saladin's Vigil | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 300 | Archon's Forge |
Seventh Sense | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
Something Wicked | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster The Crucible Nightfall |
Steel Oracle Z-11 (Year 3) | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 300 | The Crucible Acquired from Crimson Double |
Stellar Vestige | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 300 | Randomly dropped from winning ToO matches 7 wins on Trials Passage |
Stillpiercer | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 280 | Back in the Saddle |
Swordbreaker (Year 1) | Shotguns | Legendary | 300-331 | Crota's End |
Swordbreaker (Year 3) | Shotguns | Legendary | 365–400 | Crota's End (Age of Triumph) |
Teacup Tempest | Sidearms | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster Nightfall |
Telesto | Fusion Rifles | Exotic | 320 - 400 | Purchased from Xur Decrypted from Exotic Engram Endgame Activities |
The Binding Blaze | Sidearms | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Branded Lord | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Last Rebellion | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 365-365 | Purchased from Variks Randomly obtained from Judgement's Chance |
The Laughing Heart | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Proud Spire | Shotguns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Silvered Dread | Machine Guns | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Titanium Orchid | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Iron Banner Vendor Dropped in Iron Banner Awarded from completing Iron Banner Bounties |
The Waiting | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor Nightfall |
The Warpath | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor Nightfall |
The Winged Word | Sniper Rifles | Legendary | 300 | Randomly dropped from winning ToO matches 7 wins on Trials Passage |
The Wormwood | Sidearms | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Future War Cult Vendor Nightfall |
Tomorrow's Answer | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 365-365 | 7 wins on Trials Passage |
Tomorrow's Answer III | Heavy Weapons | Legendary | 248-300 | |
Truth (Year 1) | Rocket Launchers | Exotic | 302-365 | Purchased from Xur |
Truth (Year 2) | Rocket Launchers | Exotic | 320 - 400 | Purchased from Xur Endgame Activities Decrypted from Exotic Engrams |
Unending Deluge III (Year 3) | Machine Guns | Legendary | 300 | The Crucible Acquired from Crimson Double |
Unraveling Thread | Shotguns | Legendary | 300 | Randomly dropped from winning ToO matches 7 wins on Trials Passage |
Unto Dust 00 | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor Nightfall |
Void Edge | Swords | Legendary | 220 | A Broken Will |
Void Infinite Edge | Swords | Legendary | 220 | A Broken Will |
Word of Crota (Adept) | Hand Cannons | Exotic | 320–400 | Crota's End (Age of Triumph) |
Word of Crota (Year 1) | Hand Cannons | Legendary | 300-331 | Crota's End Hard Mode |
Worlds to Come 001 | Fusion Rifles | Legendary | 350 | Purchased from Dead Orbit Vendor Nightfall |
Zaouli's Bane (Adept) | Hand Cannons | Exotic | 320–400 | King's Fall (Age of Triumph) |
Random Weapon Damage
Type | Rarity | Attack | Acquired by | |
One Way Ticket 000 | Rocket Launchers | Legendary | 272-331 | Purchased from Vanguard Quartermaster |