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Heliopause Bond
Acquired by Purchased from Dead Orbit +
Class Warlock +
Cost 75 Legendary Marks +
Defense 280 +
Description "Once, deep space explorers were seen as heroes. Now, for suggesting humanity should look beyond this system, some call us cowards." —Arach Parnell +
Discipline 17 - 28 +
Intellect 17 - 28 +
Level 40 +
Rarity Legendary +
Requirement Rank 1 with Dead Orbit +
Strength 17 - 28 +
Type Warlock Bonds +
Vendor Dead Orbit Vendor +
Categories Armor , Class Armor , Warlock Bonds , Warlock Armor , Legendary , The Taken King , Year 2 , Dead Orbit Vendor
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16 October 2015 09:42:38  +
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