Golgoroth Challenge Mode
- See also: King's Fall
[hide]Success Criteria
Each player present in the raid team must hold the gaze once and not more than once during each cycle, except the phase where golgoroth is defeated. 6 people are required for this challenge mode. It can not be done with less than six people. A cycle is from the moment someone grabs his gaze, until the gaze can no longer be captured ("Failed to capture Golgoroth's gaze")
- If someone dies before getting a gaze in a cycle, and can not be resurrected, you must kill golgoroth on the current damage phase to succeed.
- If someone dies after getting a gaze in a cycle, and can not be resurrected, you must kill golgoroth on the following damage phase to succeed.
- Hard mode: 320 raid gauntlets, boots or chest piece + 320 artifact
- Normal mode: 310 raid gauntlets, boots or chest piece + 310 artifact
Team Composition
- Bring at least one defender for Weapons of Light. He should use Helm of Saint-14 if possible to blind the thrall which come into the bubble.
- Bring at least one hunter to tether the taken thrall during the taken phase and tether golgoroth during other phases. This hunter should use black hole to tether more adds for a longer time (important)
- If you have 2 titans, you can have them take turns using weapons of light (if they don't have max intellect/Shine On), or have one be a Sunbreaker and apply the melting point debuff to increase damage (tether and melting point don't stack so don't use them at the same time)
- Classes/subclasses of other team members does not matter
Gear and Loadouts
- The best gun to grab the gaze is a sniper rifle. One crit shot in golgoroth's back will grab the gaze.
- The best gun to DPS golgoroth is the Black Spindle sniper rifle (shoot without reloading)
- Alternative setup for golgoroth DPS: Sleeper Simulant and Defiance of Yasmin - 4 sniper shots, switch to sleeper, 3 sleeper shots, switch to sniper: 4 sniper shots, switch to sleeper and reload. Go back into the titan weapons of light bubble while reloading.
- Alternative setup for gologoroth DPS if you don't have the above: high impact triple tap sniper rifle
- A good gun to clear adds is the dead orbit hung jury or any other scout rifle with firefly (firefly procs a lo during this fight)
- Bring a piece of gear that lets you carry more sniper rifle ammo (very important to maximize your damage per phase against golgoroth)
General Strategy
- Assign a number to each player, 1-6
- 1 is always the main gazer, the team will only jump down/destroy the orb/damage Golgoroth when 1 has the gaze
- This is essentially the regular "single orb, single gaze" strategy, so just destroy the front left orb like you always do
- After the DPS phase/when you jump out of the pit, 3 and 5 should be at the front left
- 2, 4, 6 should go at the back right (ledge that is jutting out)
- Players 2-6 just pass the gaze around in order, shooting Golgoroth's back
- You don't even need to count down the timer anymore, as soon as his back is to you, and it's opened, shoot it once it's your turn
- Once player 6 has the gaze, Golgoroth's back will also close and no one will be able to take the gaze again for this cycle
- Player 6 can destroy the orbs like normal, or run around the arena to avoid the orbs, or shadestep to make the orbs lose tracking. They can also have teammates destroy the orbs that Golgoroth is shooting at him, until his timer runs out
- You'll get "Failed to capture Golgoroth's gaze"
- Just go back to your safe spots and kill the next wave of mobs
- Repeat these cycles until he's dead
- If "Enrage is near" appears because your damage is low, do DPS when number six has the gaze on the right side bubble. Be careful of the adds spawning around you and apply a tether to the ground OR have someone use a super to clear them (stormcaller, sunbreaker)
Alternate Strategy For Trading the Gaze between Team Members
Everyone should just run to the back right ledge after damage (at this point #2 gaze should already be doing his thing) behind Golgoroth. Grab the gaze, jump over the gap and run to the front. Everyone can grab the gaze without issues from there. Make sure you jump the gap and run around the long way. That way none of the ogre's venom hits your team while you are running up front.
Gazeholder Strategies
- Stay in golgoroth's direct line of site and shoot the orbs with a machine gun. 1 or 2 shots will kill an orb. Alternatively red death's perk can proc when you kill the orbs, but i prefer the machine gun because you don't even need to reload.
- Make sure you are correctly positioned as the gazer! You should be directly behind your team so the crit spot is easy to shoot for them.
- Always countdown the timer as gazeholder number 1 ("10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0")
- Shade step breaks the tracking on orbs. A shadestep hunter can be a good person to be gazer number six because shadestep will make the orbs no longer track you (just shadestep away). If you shadestep to avoid the gaze on orb one the orbs will go in random directions and one might break the weapons of light bubble or hit the DPS team (rare but possible).
1. I'm the #2 guy, what do I need to do?
- you can help with the DPS while #1 has the gaze
- listen to his timer, when he counts down to 10-6 seconds (depending on how fast you are), run out and jump to the right side; shoot Golgoroth's back to get his gaze. Get out earlier if you need to but make sure you have plenty of time to grab the gaze.
Doing damage and running out is optional, but the damage you do can be the difference between killing quickly, or having an extra cycle. It does help if you assign one of your more skilled players to be number 2 to avoid mistakes.
If you don't want to risk it, just be on the opposite ledge/back right and ready to grab the gaze. Don't bother jumping down to DPS.
2. What's a good way to survive as Gazer #6?
You'll hold Golgoroth's gaze until it runs out, so your teammates, who won't be doing much, can help destroy the crap he fires at you. Just shoot the orbs with a machine gun (one or 2 shots from quillum's will destroy an orb).
If you have trouble shooting golgoroth's orbs : - as a Hunter you can shadestep to avoid getting hit (breaks the tracking) - as Warlock, just make sure you have self-ress and if you have to die, do that when your timer's gone - pretty much run around the map so the Golg. poison orbs don't hit you/mobs don't explode on you; teammates can clear all of that
3. When we're Gazers #3-6, do we need to wait for the timer of the guy who got the gaze before us?
No. Only #2 waits for the timer of the guy before him since he's maximizing DPS before jumping out to grab the gaze (explained above).
As for the remaining players, as soon as Golg's back is turned, and is opened, shoot it immediately once it's your turn.
4. Do we need to destroy more than one orb each cycle?
And why can't we just pass the gaze around first, then DPS towards the end of the cycle?
Nope. Single orb is fine. The number/order of orbs you destroy has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the challenge.
Also you're doing your DPS phase at the beginning because - it's what everyone's used to. And remember, if you DPS towards the end of the cycle, the pit will be swarming with Cursed Thralls. That's not something you'd want.
'5. Can we have deaths? Wipes?
Technically you don't want to have deaths because you need to have each player get the gaze per cycle.
If you end up dead for some reason, make sure your group kills him on that specific cycle, otherwise you'll fail the challenge.
You can have wipes though.
6. Is there a requirement on how many cycles we can have until we kill him?
You can kill in 3 cycles, 4 cycles, it does not matter - just avoid the enrage timer.
Just remember that the longer the fight goes, the more chances of a mistake happening.
7. Ok, he's low HP, we can kill him this cycle or do we need to wait for the 6th guy to get the gaze before killing?
No. If he's low, just kill him without fully passing the gaze to everyone.
Remember, a cycle ends when you see *"Failed to capture gaze". If you kill him, you would not get that notification anyway.
8. We did everything right but did not get it?
There's a chance that a player ended up getting the gaze twice in a cycle.
You can go to orbit, then press the controller touchpad to see the statistics for the fight. If you see someone with an extra "Golg. Taunted" on his stat, that's what screwed up the challenge. If you failed the challenge, you can do it again and still get the chest.
To avoid this from happening:
- call out your number once you have the gaze to make it clear (ie. "4 has gaze")
- avoid shooting at anything if Golgoroth's back is towards you and it's not your turn to grab the gaze; one or two critical hits can end up grabbing his attention and you don't want that, and weapons like Zhalo Supercell can sometimes chain damage on him
- if you'd like to kill Cursed Thralls in the pit, be careful not to shoot Golg's back; or just wait until Player#6 has the gaze (meaning Golg's back is closed), you can kill a few thralls by then
9. If we defeated golgoroth but failed the challenge, can we do the golgoroth fight again for the challenge rewards?
Yes, you just need to get to the golgoroth checkpoint again. If you succeed the challenge mode this time, you will get the challenge mode rewards even if you have already defeated golgoroth this week.