20/20 AMR7 (Year 3)

20/20 AMR7 (Year 3)
20/20 AMR7 (Year 3)
Year 3
Type Sniper Rifle
Slot Special Weapon
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Damage Type Void
Attack 320
Impact 10
Rate of Fire 43
Range 62
Stability 32
Reload 79
Magazine 4
Zoom 40
Recoil 75
Equip Speed 80
Aim Assist 40
Acquired by Acquired from Quest, Crucible, Acquired from Crimson Double
Description Take in the sights.
See also: 20/20 AMR7 (Year 2)

20/20 AMR7 (Year 3) is a level 40 Legendary Sniper Rifle. It can be Acquired from ?? Quest. Acquired from Crucible. Acquired from Crimson Double.


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Last modified 8 years ago

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