Age of Triumph Record Book

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Age of Triumph Record Book
Age of Triumph Record Book
Type Book
Rarity Exotic
Function Tracks all of player's account-wide activities in Age of Triumph event, Rewards are given at set intervals
Description This book is the companion to Age of Triumph. Complete records to increase your rank and unlock rewards.
How to Obtain
Acquired by Age of Triumph
Age of Triumph Record Book is a Record Book introduced in Age of Triumph event. It has 13 pages.

Players can acquire the Record Book from ????? in The Tower.

Page 1: Rewards

Page 2: Commemoration

You've walked a long road full of deeds and adventures.

Task Objective Reward
From the Beginning Completed an activity between Destiny release and Dark Below release. Ab Principio Emblem
Second Year of Triumph ​Completed an activity during the Year 2 Moments of Triumph. Insignia of Triumphs Emblem
Wolf Breaker Completed an activity between the House of Wolves release and The Taken King release. Lupi Reginae Emblem
Doom of Oryx Completed an activity between The Taken King release and the Rise of Iron release. Clades Orygis Emblem
Lunar Veteran Assumed to be completing an activity between the Dark Below release and the House of Wolves release.
Year One Triumph Assumed to be completing an activity during the Year 1 Moments of Triumph.
Rising Light Assumed to be completing an activity between the April Update and the Rise of Iron release.
Reign of Iron Assumed to be completing an activity between Rise of Iron release and Destiny 2 release.

Page 3: Story

Write your legend upon the stars.

Task Objective Reward
The Black Garden Complete "The Black Garden" mission from "Destiny".
Queen's Ransom Complete the "Queen's Ransom" from "House of Wolves".
The Taken War Complete the "Summoner's Circle" mission from "The Taken King".
Regicide Complete the "Regicide" mission from "The Taken King".
Storied Past Complete all Story milestones in the Age of Triumph Record Book to unlock this page's emblem (7)
An Iron Lord Rises Complete "The Iron Tomb" mission from "Rise of Iron."
The Wakening Complete "The Wakening" mission from "The Dark Below."
At the Gates Complete the quests "At the Gates" and "Return to the Prison" from "The Taken King." The Tale Told Emblem

Page 4: Titan's Will

The Titan is a force multiplier, a bulwark against the Darkness.

Task Objective Reward
Hold the line Reach Level 40 as a Titan.
Super Star Defeat enemies with your Super abilites as a Titan. (100)​
Victory or Death Complete the Crucible Titan quests "Striking Fist", "Armored Void", and "Flameforged".​
Get Personal Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Titan. (250)​
No Surrender ​Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Titan.
Portable Destruction Assumed to be defeating enemies with your Grenade as a Titan.​
Light Show Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Titan.​
Be the Wall ​Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Titan's Will page of the Age of Triumph Record Book.

Page 5: Hunter's Way

By knife, by smoke, by blink strike and stealth, a hunter stalks her prey.

Task Objective Reward
Mountain's Summit Reach Level 40 as a Hunter.
Cutting Edge Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Hunter. (250)
Insuperable ​Defeat enemies with your Super abilites as a Hunter. (100)
Self-Sufficient Complete the Crucible Hunter quests "Just a Handful of Bullets", "Sheathed Lighting", and "Draw From the Void".
Hunter and Hunted Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Hunter.
Whizz Bang Assumed to be defeating enemies with Grenades as a Hunter.
Eliminate, Illuminate Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Hunter.
Who Walks Alone Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Hunter's Way page in the Age of Triumph Record Book.

Page 6: Warlock's Path

There is no end to knowledge, nor to power, but you'll do your best to reach it regardless.

Task Objective Reward
Secrets Learned Reach Level 40 as a Warlock.
Up Close ​Defeat enemies with Melee abilities as a Warlock. (250)​
Shock and Awe Defeat enemies with your Super abilites as a Warlock. (100)
A Hard Lesson Complete the Crucible Warlock quests "Voidmaster", "A Song For the Sun", and "Fulminator".
Show Your Might Assumed to be Crucible kills as a Warlock.
Tactical Explosive Assumed to be defeating enemies with Grenades as a Warlock.
A Burst of Light Assumed to be generating Orbs of Light as a Warlock.
Mysterious Path Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Warlock's Path page in the Age of Triumph Record Book.

Page 7: Strikes

Execute Vanguard Strikes to secure your legend.

Task Objective Reward
You're the Hero Complete Strikes on Heroic difficulty. (20)
Race to the Finish ​Complete a Nightfall Strike in less than 30 minutes.
On Target Earn Precision Kills in Strikes. (500)
Back in the Fight Revive allies during Nightfall Strikes. (10)
In the Dark Unknown
Lead from the Front Unknown
One-Guardian Army Unknown
Team Effort Assumed to be completing all 7 milestones on the Strikes page in the Age of Triumph Record Book.

Page 8: Crucible

Reprise your feats and enshrine your legend in the Crucible.

Task Objective Reward
Quality Control Capture control points in Control Crucible matches. (30)
Rumble Tumble Earn points in Rumble Crucible matches. (10000)
Historian ​Recover Dead Ghosts on Crucible maps during Private Matches. (30)
Pride of Shaxx Win matches in the Crucible. (30)
Clash Warfare Assumed to be earning points/kills in Clash Crucible matches.
Master at Arms​ Unknown
Ignite the Light Assumed to be earning points or igniting the Rift in Rift Crucible matches.
Forged Ignot Unknown

Page 9: Raids

Page 10: Collections

Page 11: Wanderer

Page 12: Allegiances

Page 13: Trials of Osiris