Grimoire Cards
From Destiny 1 Wiki
Revision as of 06:22, 17 June 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)
Grimoire Cards are collectible cards you unlock by reaching certain milestones in the game. Each Grimoire Card has Grimoire Points, which add to your overall Grimoire Score. Each Cards has a description on the back that details a piece of lore in the Destiny Universe. The cards will play a big part in unraveling the mysterious of Destiny as the player progress through the game.
Players can check the Grimoire Cards they have collected and their Grimoire Score on their profiles on Bungie website.
[hide]Types of Cards
Subcategory | Acquired by | |
Arc Blade (Grimoire Card) | Supers | Unlocking Arc Blade on Bladedancer |
Arcbolt Grenade (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlocking Arcbolt Grenade for Bladedancer. |
Awoken (Grimoire Card) | Races | Creating an Awoken character. |
Axion Bolt (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlocking Axion Bolt for Voidwalker. |
Bladedancer (Grimoire Card) | Subclasses | Leveling a Hunter character to 15. |
Blink (Grimoire Card) | Jumps | Unlock Blink |
Dead Ghosts (Grimoire Card) | Ghost Shells | ??? |
Defender (Grimoire Card) | Subclasses | Leveling Titan to 15. |
Double Jump (Grimoire Card) | Jumps | Unlocking Double Jump on Hunter |
Exo (Grimoire Card) | Races | Creating an Exo character. |
Firebolt Grenade (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlock Firebolt Grenade for Sunsinger. |
Fist of Havoc (Grimoire Card) | Supers | Unlocking Fist of Havoc on Striker |
Flashbang Grenade (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlocking Flashbang Grenade for Striker. |
Flux Grenade (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlocking Flux Grenade for Bladedancer. |
Fusion Grenade (Grimoire Card) | Grenades | Unlock Fusion Grenade for Sunsinger. |
Ghost Fragment: Abilities (Grimoire Card) | Subclasses | Reviving Dead Ghost in Forgotten Shore |
Ghost Fragment: Awoken (Grimoire Card) | Races | On the Black Garden mission on Mars, go to Valley of The Kings where the gatelord gate is located. Pass the gate on the road, just before the road bends right and ascends, the ghost should be located to the left on the edge. Awake the Ghost. |
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 2 (Grimoire Card) | Races | It can be obtained by awakening the dead ghost located on the glass awning in the Ishtar Commons on Venus |
Ghost Fragment: Awoken 3 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Exo (Grimoire Card) | Races | Just before reaching the end room of the Overwatch on Mars, go left where the two Cabal spawn and look just below them under the desk. Awake the Dead Ghost. |
Ghost Fragment: Exo 2 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ??? |
Ghost Fragment: Exo 3 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Ghosts (Grimoire Card) | Ghost Shells | Reviving dead ghost in Waking Ruins, Venus |
Ghost Fragment: Ghosts 2 (Grimoire Card) | Ghost Shells | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Human (Grimoire Card) | Races | ??? |
Ghost Fragment: Human 2 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ??? |
Ghost Fragment: Human 3 (Grimoire Card) | Races | Awakening Dead ghost located on top of the building in the Buried City Mission on Mars. Before entering the darkness, go into the subway, jump up on then Off World Train building where the harpies and minotaur are. Go to the front of the building. |
Ghost Fragment: Human 4 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ??? |
Ghost Fragment: Human 5 (Grimoire Card) | Races | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Hunter (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Reviving dead ghost in Old Russia, Earth |
Ghost Fragment: Titan (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Reviving dead ghost in Meridian Bay,Mars |
Ghost Fragment: Warlock (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Reviving dead ghost in Tower North, Tower |
Ghost Fragment: Warlock 2 (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Reviving dead ghost in Temple of Crota, Moon |
Ghosts (Grimoire Card) | Ghost Shells | Encountering your Ghost |
Glide (Grimoire Card) | Jumps | Unlocking Glide on Warlock. |
Golden Gun (Grimoire Card) | Supers | Unlocking Golden Gun on Gunslinger |
Guardian Abilities (Grimoire Card) | Subclasses | ??? |
Guardians (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Creating a new character. |
Gunslinger (Grimoire Card) | Subclasses | Creating a Hunter character. |
Hammer of Sol (Grimoire Card) | Supers | ?? |
Human (Grimoire Card) | Races | Creating a Human character. |
Hunter (Grimoire Card) | Classes | Entering the code MVD-4N3-NKH on, Creating a Hunter character |
... further results |
Subcategory | Acquired by | |
A Dark Within (Grimoire Card) | Story: Earth, Russia | Completing the Story Mission A Dark Within |
A Guardian Rises (Grimoire Card) | Story: Earth, Old Russia | Completing the Story Mission A Guardian Rises |
A Kell Rising (Grimoire Card) | House of Wolves | Participating in A Kell Rising |
A Rising Tide (Grimoire Card) | Story: Mars, Meridian Bay | Completing the Story Mission A Rising Tide |
A Stranger's Call (Grimoire Card) | Story: Venus, Ishtar Sink | Completing the Story Mission A Stranger's Call |
Archon's Forge (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | ?? |
Arenas Introduction (Grimoire Card) | House of Wolves | Participating in Arenas |
Ascendant Sword (Grimoire Card) | Raids | Picking up Blade's Sword? |
Asylum (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Asylum Crucible Map |
Bannerfall (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Bastion (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Bastion Crucible Map |
Beauty in Destruction (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | ?? |
Black Shield (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Black Shield Crucible Map |
Blighted Chalice (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | ?? |
Blind Watch (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Blind Watch Crucible Map |
Cathedral of Dusk (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Cayde's Stash (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | ?? |
Cerberus Vae III (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | Completing the Cerberus Vae III Strike |
Challenge of the Elders (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | ?? |
Chamber of Night (Grimoire Card) | Story: Moon, Ocean of Storms | Completing the Story Mission Chamber of Night |
Clash (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Participate in Clash |
Combined Arms (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Participate in Combined Arms |
Control (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Participate in Control |
Court of Oryx (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | ?? |
Crests (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Crossroads (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Crota's End (Grimoire Card) | Raids | Completing Crota's End |
Crucible Introduction (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Unlocking Crucible at level 5 of your first character. |
Devils' Lair (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | Completing the Strike Devil's Lair |
Disciples of Crota (Grimoire Card) | The Dark Below | Unlock Will of Crota quest |
Doubles (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Participate in Clash |
Download Complete (Grimoire Card) | Rise of Iron | ?? |
Dread Patrol (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | ?? |
Dust Palace (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | Completing the Dust Palace Strike |
Echo Chamber (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | ?? |
Elimination (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Playlists | Participate in Elimination |
Enemy of My Enemy (Grimoire Card) | The Taken King | ?? |
Exclusion Zone (Grimoire Card) | Story: Mars, Meridian Bay | Completing the Story Mission Exclusion Zone |
Exodus Blue (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Exodus Blue Crucible Map |
Eye of a Gate Lord (Grimoire Card) | Story: Venus, Ishtar Sink | Completing the Story Mission Eye of a Gate Lord |
Fallen S.A.B.E.R. (Grimoire Card) | Strikes | ?? |
Firebase Delphi (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in Firebase Delphi Crucible Map |
First Light (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | Playing in First Light Crucible Map |
Floating Gardens - Pomona Mons, Venus (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Frontier (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Asylum (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Bannerfall (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Bastion (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Black Shield (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
Ghost Fragment: Blind Watch (Grimoire Card) | Crucible Arenas | ?? |
... further results |