Iron Gjallarhorn

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Iron Gjallarhorn
Iron Gjallarhorn
Year 3
Type Rocket Launcher
Slot Heavy Weapon
Level 40
Rarity Exotic
Damage Type Solar
Attack 320
Blast Radius 76
Rate of Fire 11
Velocity 90
Stability 53
Reload 68
Magazine 2
Zoom 20
Recoil 80
Equip Speed 50
Aim Assist 50
Acquired by Pre-order Rise of Iron expansion and complete the quest Beauty in Destruction
Description A finely-crafted testament to the many heroes of the Last City
See also: Gjallarhorn

Iron Gjallarhorn is a level 40 Exotic Rocket Launcher. It can be acquired by pre-ordering Rise of Iron expansion and completing the quest Beauty in Destruction.

Note that stat-wise Iron Gjallarhorn is identical to Gjallarhorn (Year 3). It is merely a cosmetic skin.


Column 1

  • Wolfpack Rounds - Rounds fired from this weapon split into tracking cluster missiles upon detonation.
  • Infuse - Consume a more powerful Weapon to boost the Attack value of this Weapon.

Column 2

Column 3

  • Quickdraw - This weapon can be drawn unbelievably fast.
  • Snapshot - Aiming this weapon is incredibly fast.
  • Speed Reload - Reload this weapon quickly.

Column 4

  • Tracking - Shells fired from this weapon track their targets

Tips and Tricks

