Patience and Time (Year 2)

Revision as of 00:11, 13 April 2016 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Patience and Time (Year 2)
Patience and Time (Year 2)
Type Sniper Rifle
Slot Special Weapon
Level 40
Rarity Exotic
Damage Type Arc
Attack 300
Impact 22
Rate of Fire 26
Range 75
Stability 92
Reload 58
Magazine 4
Zoom 70
Recoil 50
Equip Speed 20
Aim Assist 65
Description If you've got it, they'll never see it coming.
See also: Patience and Time (Year 1)

Patience and Time is a level 40 Exotic Sniper Rifle. It can be acquired from King's Fall, Nightfall, Xur.


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Last modified 9 years ago

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