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Revision as of 05:38, 22 November 2014 by Destiny guide (Talk | contribs)
Emblems are cosmetic gear items that allow the players to customize their profiles without giving them any stat benefits.
Types of Emblems
Rarity | Acquired by | Cost | |
7-7 Ad Infinitum | Legendary | A Purchase made on the Bungie store from 7/7/16 to 7/13/16 will also award you this in game emblem | ?? |
Ab Aeterno | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering JDT-NLC-JKM on Bungie.net | None |
Ab Principio | Legendary | From the Beginning | |
Abraxas | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 570 Glimmer |
Abraxas II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 410 Glimmer |
Alchemist Cast | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2350 Glimmer |
All in All | Legendary | Rank 6 in Age of Triumph Record Book | |
Anchor's End | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Arach and Ruin | Legendary | Jalaal's Favor | |
Archer's Hope | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Archivist's Seal | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2625 Glimmer |
Aspect of Blood | Common | Create a Hunter | |
Aspect of Dust | Common | Create a Hunter | |
Aspect of Shadow | Common | Create a Hunter | |
Badge of the Monarchy | Uncommon | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Badge of the Monarchy II | Uncommon | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Badge of the Patron | Rare | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Badge of the Patron II | Rare | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Bastet's Dream | Legendary | Flawless Victory | |
Be Brave | Legendary | Have The Dark Below and House of Wolves expansions or have level 30 guardian before start of Year 2. | |
Beryl Cometary | Legendary | ||
Binding Focus | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering FJ9-LAM-67F on Bungie.net | None |
Blade of Crota | Rare | Purchased From Eris Morn | 1,000 Glimmer |
Blessing of IV | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of Momentum | Legendary | Sparrow Racing League??? | |
Blessing of Worlds | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Ancients | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Gifted | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Joined | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Knight | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Sentinel | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Skeptic | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Speaker | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Unmade | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Watcher | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blessing of the Zealot | Legendary | Purchased from The Speaker | 7 Motes of Light |
Blood of the Monarchy | Legendary | Hideo's Favor | |
Bomb Squad | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 350 Glimmer |
Bomb Squad II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 350 Glimmer |
Born of Fire | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 570 Glimmer |
By Fire | Legendary | Judge, Jury and Executioner | |
Cassoid | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 620 Glimmer |
City Force | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Citywatch | Legendary | Rank 3 in Age of Triumph Record Book | |
Clades Orygis | Legendary | Doom of Oryx | |
Collapse of Space | Legendary | Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph) | |
Comet's Heart | Legendary | Rank 4 in Age of Triumph Record Book | |
Command | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 570 Glimmer |
Command II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 690 Glimmer |
Commander Crest | Common | Create a Titan | |
Corsair's Badge | Legendary | A Kell Rising | |
Crest of Velocity | Legendary | Drops at the end of Sparrow Racing League matches. | |
Crest of the Gravesinger | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2125 Glimmer |
Crimson Crest | Legendary | Crimson Doubles | |
Crota's End (Emblem) | Legendary | Crota's End | |
Crown of the New Monarchy | Legendary | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Crown of the Sovereign | Legendary | Purchased from Petra Venj | 2500 Glimmer |
Crucible Signet | Legendary | Shaxx's Esteem | |
Crux/Lomar | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 675 Glimmer |
Crypto Shift | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 570 Glimmer |
Crypto Shift II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 735 Glimmer |
Cult Arcanum | Legendary | Lakshimi's Favor | |
Cyclops Mind | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 605 Glimmer |
Cyclops Mind II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 395 Glimmer |
Daito | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 475 Glimmer |
Dark Harvest | Uncommon | Purchased From Eris Morn | 1,000 Glimmer |
Dawn of Destiny | Legendary | Purchasing the limited edition Tricorn Pin from Bungie.net's store | No longer available. |
Dead Zone Memento | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2225 Glimmer |
Devil Undone | Legendary | Complete Wrath of the Machine Heroic Mode | |
Devourer of Light | Legendary | Golgoroth Challenge in King's Fall Hard Mode | |
Dragoon | Uncommon | Completing The Taken King (Quest). | |
Earthborn | Legendary | Purchase the Destiny Original Soundtrack Digital Edition from the Bungie Store | |
Echo of Shattered Suns | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2350 Glimmer |
Elegance of Ages | Legendary | Who Walks Alone | |
Element of the Dead Sun | Rare | Purchased from Hunter Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Element of the Shifter | Rare | Purchased from Hunter Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Emerald Rook | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 3125 Glimmer |
Emperor Sigil | Legendary | Trials of Osiris | |
Eris Morn (Emblem) | Rare | Purchased From Eris Morn | 1,000 Glimmer |
Executor's Red Mark | Legendary | Dropped from New Monarchy Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Exomoon | Legendary | ||
Eye of Eternity | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Eye of Osiris | Exotic | Flawless Victory | |
Eye of the Storm (Emblem) | Legendary | Acquired from Stormcaller Subclass Quest | |
Field of Light | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering JNX-DMH-XLA on Bungie.net | None |
Firm Decree | Legendary | A Kell Rising | |
Flames of Forgotten Truth | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering A7L-FYC-44X on Bungie.net | ? |
Flow of Knowledge | Legendary | From Cryptarch Reputation rank-up packages | |
Founder's Seal | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after participating in beta test | None |
Frame's Honor | Legendary | Old Wolf, New Tricks | |
Frames of Mind | Legendary | ||
From Here, The Stars | Uncommon | Randomly distribute to players subscribed to Bungie's email list. | |
Gen Golgotha | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 480 Glimmer |
Gen Golgotha II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 480 Glimmer |
Glass and Time | Legendary | Vault of Glass (Age of Triumph) | |
Glory of the Elite | Legendary | Drops at the end of Sparrow Racing League matches. | |
Having It All | Legendary | The Most Toys | |
Hear the Call | Legendary | Year 2 Moments of Triumph | |
Heart of the Foundation | Legendary | Purchasing the Bungie Foundation Pin from the Bungie store | |
Hexacon 4 | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Hic Jacet | Legendary | Flawless Victory | |
Honeybee IV | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 395 Glimmer |
Honor of Blades | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 1850 Glimmer |
House of Judgment (Emblem) | Legendary | ???? | |
Hunger | Legendary | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Häkke | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 395 Glimmer |
Illusion of Light | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering JD7-4CM-HJG on Bungie.net | None |
Infinitesimal | Legendary | Acquired from Voidwalker Subclass Quest | |
Insignia of Triumphs | Legendary | Second Year of Triumph | |
Iron Pride | Legendary | Purchased from Lord Saladin | 3000 Glimmer |
Ironwood Alight | Legendary | Randomly dropped after completing Iron Banner Matches and Iron Banner Bounties. | |
Jade Rabbit Insignia | Rare | Obtained from the 2nd Gold Chest in Moon | |
Judgment's Right Hand | Legendary | Completing House of Wolves Story Missions. | |
Kellbreaker | Legendary | Skolas's Revenge | |
Kingsbane | Legendary | Acquired by defeating Oryx in King's Fall raid. | |
Laurea Prima | ??? | Triumphs | |
Little Light (Emblem) | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2250 Glimmer |
Logical Conclusion | Legendary | Rank 5 in Age of Triumph Record Book | |
Lone Focus, Jagged Edge | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering 7CP-94V-LFP on Bungie.net | None |
Lost and Foundries | Legendary | ||
Lupi Reginae | Legendary | Wolf Breaker | |
Machina Sacra | Legendary | Aksis Challenge Mode | |
Machine God's Bane | Legendary | Wrath of the Machine | |
Mammoth | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 550 Glimmer |
Mammoth II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 545 Glimmer |
Martius Momentum | Legendary | Treasure of Ages | 25 Silver Dust |
Memoria Ferri | Legendary | Reign of Iron | |
Memories of Iron | Legendary | Rise of Iron Record Book | |
Mentor's Badge | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders if you are Bungie.net Forum Mentor | |
Mercy of Motion | Legendary | Drops at the end of Sparrow Racing League matches. | |
Midnight Hunt | Legendary | Acquired in Trials of Osiris during Festival of the Lost. | |
Might of Vulcan | Legendary | Acquired from Sunbreaker Subclass Quest | |
Mind II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | ??? |
Moon of Osiris | Legendary | Trials of Osiris | |
Nadir | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 685 Glimmer |
No Puppet, I | Rare | Acquired by completing Vanguard Strikes | |
Note of Conquest | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering X4C-FGX-MX3 on Bungie.ent | ? |
Of Light and Hunger | Legendary | Complete Oryx Challenge in King's Fall Hard Mode | |
Off to the Races | Rare | ||
Officer Crest | Common | Create a Titan | |
Omen of Chaos | Rare | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omen of Chaos II | Rare | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omen of the Dead | Uncommon | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omen of the Dead II | Uncommon | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omen of the Decayer | Legendary | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omen of the Exodus | Legendary | Dropped by Dead Orbit Reputation rank-up packages. | |
Omolon | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 610 Glimmer |
On the Edge | Legendary | Acquired from Nightstalker Subclass Quest | |
Our Kingdom | Rare | Acquired by completing Vanguard Strikes | |
Paean of Resplendence | Legendary | Acquired from Sunsinger Subclass Quest | |
Paladin's Blazon | Legendary | Achieving rank 3 with Queen's Wrath faction. | |
Pathfinder Sign | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders if you are registered on Bungie.net before 2013 | |
Pride of Nepal | Legendary | Obtained from donating to Nepal earthquake through Bungie. | |
Prince Sigil | Rare | Trials of Osiris | |
Prison of Elders I | Legendary | ???? | |
Prison of Elders II | Legendary | ???? | |
Queen's Guard Crest | Legendary | Purchased from Petra Venj | 2500 Glimmer |
Raid Emblem | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Resurrectionist | Legendary | Purchase specific goods from Bungie Store during Festival of the Lost. | |
Revolver | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 515 Glimmer |
Ring of Triumphs | Legendary | Year of Triumph | |
Rising Light | Uncommon | Log into Destiny from January 7, 2016 to January 10, 2016. | |
Rune of the Adept | Common | Create a Warlock | |
Rune of the Disciple | Common | Create a Warlock | |
Rune of the Machine | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2000 Glimmer |
Rune of the Oracle | Common | Create a Warlock | |
SUROS | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 480 Glimmer |
SUROS Fire | Legendary | Pre-ordering The Taken King expansion. | |
Scar of Radegast | Legendary | Purchased from Lord Saladin | 5000 Glimmer |
Scarab Heart | Legendary | Trials of Osiris | |
Scholar's Quest | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Sentinel's Crest | Legendary | Completing House of Wolves (Quest). | |
Sheltered Truth | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 685 Glimmer |
Sheltered Truth II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 630 Glimmer |
Shield of Heroes | Uncommon | No Longer Obtainable | Emblem Kiosk |
Shield of Legends | Rare | No Longer Obtainable | Emblem Kiosk |
Shield of Mythics | Legendary | No Longer Obtainable | Emblem Kiosk |
Shield of the City | Legendary | Rise of Iron Record Book | |
Shield of the Knight | Rare | Purchased from Titan Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Shield of the Traveler | Legendary | Year 2 Moments of Triumph | |
Shield of the Warlord | Rare | Purchased from Titan Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Sigil of Deviance | Legendary | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of Night | Uncommon | Purchased From Eris Morn | 1,000 Glimmer |
Sigil of Seven | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 3175 Glimmer |
Sigil of the Burning Dawn | Rare | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of the Coming War | Legendary | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of the Eternal Night | Rare | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of the Iron Lords | Legendary | Purchased from Lord Saladin | 3000 Glimmer |
Sigil of the War Cult | Uncommon | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of the War Cult II | Uncommon | Dropped from Future War Cult rank-up packages. | |
Sigil of the Young Wolf | Legendary | Attuned all 8 Iron Lord Artifacts | |
Sign of Containment | Uncommon | Earn "Movie of the Week" on Bungie.net | |
Sign of Duality | Uncommon | Donating 50$+ in The Gauntlet 2015 fundraising. Redemption code will be sent to email. Ended 5/17/2015. | |
Sign of Momentum | Legendary | Complete all the objectives in SRL Record Book, Vol. 1 | |
Sign of Opposing Will | Uncommon | Beat Bungie Team members in Crucible | |
Sign of Unity | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Sign of the Ancients | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Sign of the Battleborn | Legendary | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Sign of the Elders | Uncommon | Participate in Destiny Beta. | |
Sign of the Finite | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering 7F9-767-F74 on Bungie.net | None |
Sign of the Founders | Uncommon | Playing in the first week of Destiny's release. | |
Sign of the Infinite | Legendary | Acquired from A Tale of Two Guardians quest | |
Sign of the Protectorate | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Signet of Speed | Legendary | Reach Level 2 in Competitive Spirit Record Book. | |
Silence After Song | Legendary | Crota's End (Age of Triumph) | |
Silent Scream | Rare | Completing The Taken King (Quest) | |
Solar Labor | Legendary | Flawless Victory | |
Song of the Spheres | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders after participating in Alpha Lupi experience | |
Soul Extracted | Legendary | Crota's End (Age of Triumph) | |
Spectrum Theory | Legendary | From Cryptarch Reputation rank-up packages | |
Star Antigen | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Star of Dawn | Legendary | Drops at the end of Sparrow Racing League matches. | |
Star of Moderation | Legendary | Obtained from Special Orders if you are Bungie.net Forum Ninja | |
Strength of Ages | Legendary | Be the Wall | |
Summersong | Legendary | ?? | ? |
Sun of Osiris | Legendary | Trials of Osiris | |
Sunset City | Legendary | ||
Swords of Dawn | Legendary | Drops after Crucible matches | |
Symbol of the Magister | Rare | Purchased from Warlock Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Symbol of the Sorcerer | Rare | Purchased from Warlock Vanguard | 500 Glimmer |
Symbol of the Wolf | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2975 Glimmer |
Tenebrae Lunae | Legendary | Lunar Veteran | |
Tex Mechanica | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 670 Glimmer |
The Ascendant | Legendary | King's Fall | |
The Convergence | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
The Entertainer | Legendary | Acquired from Bladedancer Subclass Quest | |
The Inexorable | Legendary | Acquired from Striker Subclass Quest | |
The Inner Chamber | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders after playing at least 4 of the last 6 Bungie games | |
The Inner Circle | Legendary | From Special Orders NPC after purchasing one of the three collector's editions of Destiny | |
The Ironwood Tree | Legendary | Purchased from Lord Saladin | 5000 Glimmer |
The Living Wall | Legendary | Acquired from Defender Subclass Quest | |
The New Wolf Pack | Legendary | Randomly dropped after completing Iron Banner Matches and Iron Banner Bounties. | |
The Obelisk | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 565 Glimmer |
The Obelisk II | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 605 Glimmer |
The Perfect Shot | Legendary | Acquired from Gunslinger Subclass Quest | |
The Pitiless Bargain | Legendary | ||
The Reflective Proof | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering N3L-XN6-PXF on Bungie.net | ? |
The Rising | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 580 Glimmer |
The Rising Night | Uncommon | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 745 Glimmer |
The SIVA Solution | Legendary | Solving Monitor Puzzle | |
The Tale Told | Legendary | Storied Past | |
The Undying Light | Legendary | Purchase Destiny The Taken King Original Soundtrack Digital Edition from the Bungie Store. | |
The Unimagined Plane | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders after entering X9F-GMA-H6D on Bungie.net | ? |
The Winding Path | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Thorium Leaf | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 3175 Glimmer |
Tip of the Spear | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Transcendence (Emblem) | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Traveler's Eclipse | Legendary | Rank 2 in Age of Triumph Record Book | |
Trust and Honor | Legendary | Beloved of All | |
Umbra Veris | Legendary | Rising Light (Task) | |
Union of Light | Legendary | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Valor in Darkness | Legendary | Light's Stronghold | |
Vanguard Honor (Emblem) | Uncommon | Obtained from Special Orders if you have ordered the Collector's Edition of Destiny. | None |
Vanguard Insignia | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Vanguard Signet | Legendary | Vanguard's Esteem | |
Vanguard's Edge | Legendary | Team Effort | |
Verisimilitude | Rare | Acquired by completing Vanguard Strikes | |
Veteran Crest | Common | Create a Titan | |
Veteran's Scars | Legendary | Forged Ingot | |
Victory Eagle II | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2675 Glimmer |
Vigilamus Noctu | Legendary | Owl Sector | |
Vigilant Disciple | Legendary | Trials of Osiris | |
Vosik's Venom | Legendary | ||
Wayfinder | Legendary | The World Explored | |
Winner's Circle | Legendary | Complete SRL: Class S License quest | |
Winterborn Mark | Rare | Purchased from Guardian Outfitter | 2475 Glimmer |
Wisdom of Ages | Legendary | Mysterious Path | |
Wolfhunter | Legendary | Complete the 6 Wanted Bounties before the release of House of Wolves. | |
Wolfsgrin | Rare | Completing The Taken King (Quest) | |
World Domination | Rare | Obtained from Special Orders | ? |
Worm Gods' Servant | Legendary | Warpriest Challenge in King's Fall Hard Mode |
Gallery of Emblems
The Taken King Emblems
- See also: The Taken King Emblems
House of Wolves Emblems
The Dark Below Emblems
Vanilla Emblems