Objekt 959 (Leg Armor)

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Objekt 959 (Leg Armor)
Objekt 959 (Leg Armor)
Type Leg Armor
Class Titan
Level 20
Item Level 60
Rarity Legendary
Defense  ??
Light  ??
Discipline  ??
Strength  ??
Intellect  ??
Acquired by Purchased from Crucible Handler
Vendor Crucible Handler
Cost 65 Crucible Marks
Description How does it feel to land a six-meter jump in full armor? That depends who you're landing on.
Objekt 959 (Leg Armor) is a Legendary Titan Leg Armor. Objekt 959 (Leg Armor) can be purchased from Crucible Handler for 65 Crucible Marks.

Mods and Upgrades

Upgrade 1:

Defense Upgrades:

Tips and Tricks
