Steel Oracle Z-11 (Year 3)
Steel Oracle Z-11 (Year 3)
Type Rocket Launcher
Level  ??
Item Level 60
Rarity Legendary
Attack  ??
Impact 90
Rate of Fire 70
Range 10
Stability 50
Reload 20
Magazine 100
Zoom 20
Recoil 80
Equip Speed 30
Acquired by Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster
Vendor Crucible Quartermaster
Cost 150 Crucible Marks
Description "I foresee fire. Fire and screams."

"You would, mate. You're a rocket launcher."

Steel Oracle Z-11 is a level ?? Legendary Rocket Launcher. Steel Oracle Z-11 can be purchased from Crucible Quartermaster for 150 Crucible Marks.

Perks and Upgrades

Tips and Tricks


Last modified 10 years ago

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