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Voidwalker is a subclass of Warlock. Voidwalker is a damage dealing focus of the Warlock, turning the class into a glasscannon. It excels in solo-play and AoE damage. Voidwalker's super ability is the Nova Bomb, a ranged attack that causes an explosion of Void energy that can wipe out a group of enemies. Voidwalker's focus is her abilities such as Energy Drain or Axion Bolt.

  • Hurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at the enemy, disintegrating those caught within the blast.


Axion BoltGrenadesA bolt of Void Light which forks into smaller bolts on impact which seek toward enemies.
Energy DrainMelee AbilitiesA powerful melee attack which drains energy from enemies and uses it to reduce the cooldown of your grenade.
GlideJumpsJump and then press (X) or (A) again while in the air to activate Glide.
Nova BombSupersHurl an explosive bolt of Void Light at the enemy, disintegrating those caught within its blast.
Scatter GrenadeGrenadesA grenade that splits into many submunitions and covers a large area with explosions.
Vortex Grenade (Voidwalker)GrenadesA grenade that creates a vortex which continually damages enemies trapped inside.


Ability Upgrades

Blink (Voidwalker)GlideA short distance teleport which replaces Glide.
Focused BurstGlideUpgrades Glide to provide an initial boost of speed.
Focused ControlGlideUpgrades Glide for better directional control while in air.
LanceNova BombNova Bomb travels farther and faster.
Life StealEnergy DrainKilling an enemy with Energy Drain immediately restores a significant portion of your health.
ShatterNova BombNova Bomb splits into three projectiles.
Soul RipEnergy DrainKilling an enemy with Energy Drain reduces the cooldown of Nova Bomb.
SurgeEnergy DrainDamaging an enemy with Energy Drain increases movement speed for a short time.
VortexNova BombNova Bomb creates a Vortex which continually damages enemies trapped inside.

Miscellaneous Upgrades

Angry MagicNova Bomb tracks enemies. Increases Armor by 1
AnnihilateIncreases the size of explosions created by Nova Bomb and grenades. Increases Agility by 1.
BloomEnemies killed by any of your abilities explode.
Embrace The VoidDamaging enemies with Nova Bomb or any grenade triggers the Energy Drain effect.
The HungerIncreases the duration of the Energy Drain effect by 3 seconds.
Vortex MasteryIncreases the range of Axion Bolt seekers and the duration of the Vortex effect of Nova Bomb and Vortex Grenade.

Training Upgrades

Ancestral Order+2+2+2
Arcane Force+2+2
Arcane Spirit+2+2
Arcane Wisdom+2+2
Chaos Order+5
Divine Order+4+2
  • Note that Voidwalker shares Training upgrades with Sunsinger


The subclass' primary stat is Recovery, which increases the speed which the player regenerates lost health. Its secondary stat is Agility, which increase the player's movement speed and jump height.

Play Style



A direct hit from Nova Bomb 1 shots any enemy player and vehicles.
