The Vex is a partially robotic, time-traveling alien race. From their home base on Venus, Vex releasees countless waves of metallic minions at humans with the goal of conquering them.
After they appeared in the solar system, Vex arrive through warpgates arranged across the galaxy from a mysterious time and space. A number of differentreports proposed that the Vex seemed to be mass-producing machines of war. Humans have not made official relations with these creatures. Attempts to correspond with the Vex have failed. While the Vex's bodies are created from a mysterious metallic alloy, they are not completely mechanized. These creatures possess certain biological components as well. While Vex is not completely understood by humans, they are known to be aggressive, relentless, and dangerous.
Vex's headquarters is an enormous fortress on Venus known as Citadel. Additionally, they also have a presence on Mars.
Initially, Vex found its way to the Solar System by warping in using the warpgates from an altnerative space time. Their body components also vary in proportions, from humanoid-like to creature-shaped and quite often a combination of the two. Most of Vex generally have lengthy, claw-like hands.