Viking Funeral

Viking Funeral
Class Warlock
Subclass Sunsinger
Type Miscellaneous
Column 6
Prerequisite None
Next None
Description Targets afflicted with Ignite take more damage from all sources. Stacks up to 3 times.

Viking Funeral is a Miscellaneous Sunsinger upgrade. Damage buff currently unknown.

Tips and Tricks

  • Contrary to what the tool-tip might have you believe, it does not increase the damage of each tick of Ignite. The damage dealt by Ignite appears to be based on the enemy's level and, as of now, has no way of being modified in itself. Instead, it doubles the duration of the Ignite. Whereas it will tick 5 times without Viking Funeral, the burn effect will tick 10 times.
  • This is perfect for burn-based / Solar DoT builds.

Firebolt GrenadeFusion GrenadeGlideRadianceScorchSolar Grenade
Angel of LightBalanced GlideBrimstoneFirebornFlame ShieldFocused BurstFocused ControlGift of the SunRadiant SkinRadiant WillSolar WindSong of FlameSunburstTouch of FlameViking Funeral
Ancestral OrderArcane ForceArcane SpiritArcane WisdomChaos OrderDivine Order
Last modified on 23 June 2016, at 14:01