Thrallskin Drum (Year 2)

Thrallskin Drum (Year 2)
Thrallskin Drum (Year 2)
Type Hunter Artifact
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Defense 310
Discipline 26 - 72
Strength 26 - 103
Intellect 26 - 72
Acquired by Challenge Modes in King's Fall
Description A drum made from the skin of a Hive Thrall. Even when no one is playing it, you can always hear a faint beat.
See also: Thrallskin Drum (Year 3)

Thrallskin Drum (Year 2) is a level 40 Legendary Hunter Artifact. It can be acquired by completing Challenge Modes in King's Fall.


Column 1

  • Infuse - Consume a more powerful Artifact to boost the Defense value of this Artifact.
  • Reforge Artifact - Changes the stats available on this Artifact.

Column 2

Column 3

Tips and Tricks



Last modified on 4 April 2017, at 00:25