The Most Dangerous Game (PMGT)

The Most Dangerous Game
Map Large maps, such as Bastion or First Light
Mood Competitive or casual, depending on your group
Game Type Elimination
Player Count Anywhere from 3 to 12
Additional Info Private Match Game Types


No supers. The "hunters" must turn off HUD and only use primary weapons. The "hunted" have no restrictions.


In The Most Dangerous Game, 1, 2, or 3 players (depending on group size) will be "hunted", while the rest will be the "hunters". The hunted will have 1 minute to go find a hiding or camping spot. After that minute, the hunters will go out and attempt to find and kill the hunted. The hunters will disable HUD and only use primary weapons to make up for the numbers advantage. The hunted will have full use of all tools at their disposal, EXCEPT supers.


Notes and Ideas

This idea hasn't been tested yet, but I could definitely see it being a lot of fun. Basically hide-n-seek on steroids.

Last modified on 18 September 2016, at 15:48