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Cloak of Fast Resolve (Year 3)
Acquired by Purchased from Lord Shaxx + , Reward from Crucible rank-up packages + , Crucible matches + , Archon's Forge + , Or Nightfall +
Class Hunter +
Cost 75 Legendary Marks +
Defense 250 - 390 +
Description "Don't second-guess yourself." —Ain Suhu-ässä +
Discipline 21 - 35 +
Faction The Crucible +
Intellect 21 - 35 +
Level 40 +
Rarity Legendary +
Strength 21 - 35 +
Type Hunter Cloaks +
Vendor Crucible Handler +
Year 3 +
Categories Armor , Class Armor , Hunter Cloaks , Hunter Armor , Legendary , Rise of Iron , Year 3 , Crucible Handler , Nightfall
Modification date
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5 January 2017 16:20:13  +
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