Safe Light (PMGT)

Safe Light
Map Any, but the bigger the better.
Mood Casual
Game Type Clash
Player Count 12 (6v6)
Additional Info Private Match Game Types


Time: 10 Minutes


If you've ever played Safeguard from Call of Duty, it's very similar to that. There are two 6-man teams. One team, "The Darkness", has to try and kill the other team, the "Guardians", but with a twist.

The Guardians must, upon the start of the game, group around one person, the "Light", and try to get the Light into the enemy spawn. The Light can ONLY move forward if there is at least one Guardian close to them on the radar (like, right next to them close), and they can only walk normally, not run. The Light can NOT shoot, but can use grenades, melees, and supers, as long as they adhere to their movement limitations.

If the Light is killed, they are allowed to move a couple of steps forward from their death position to a nearby checkpoint (a nearby box that was in front of them, a doorway, etc.) The advanced position must be reasonably near where they died.

Ultimately, the Guardians try to transport the Light into the heart of the Darkness (the Darkness team's spawn) while the Darkness try to prevent this without killing the Light.


Notes and Ideas

Last modified on 21 September 2016, at 12:42