Future War Cult Faction Rep (Grimoire Card)

Future War Cult Faction Rep (Grimoire Card)
Future War Cult Faction Rep (Grimoire Card)
Category Allies
Subcategory Tower Allies
Acquired by meeting Future War Cult Vendor in The Tower
Grimoire Score 0
Stats Tracked Currency Spent
Quote Lakshmi-2
Description There is nothing Lakshmi-2 likes more than secrets. Her origins are unknown; her appearance in the City was abrupt. She courts select Guardians for initiation into the higher mysteries of the Future War Cult, espousing a brutal philosophy of endless struggle.

Those who can tolerate Lakshmi's mocking hints and bloody-minded philosophy find her surprisingly good company. She seems to take genuine joy in her work, as if the secrets she guards have taught her to treasure every moment.

Future War Cult Faction Rep is a Grimoire Card in the Allies category and Tower Allies subcategory. It can be obtained by meeting Future War Cult Vendor in The Tower.

How to Rank Up

In-game Bonus

Last modified on 17 September 2014, at 23:53