Eyes of the Forsaken

Eyes of the Forsaken
Eyes of the Forsaken
Type Material
Rarity Common
Function Turn it to Eris Morn for Legendary Gauntlets
Description Take the Eyes of the Forsaken to Eris.
How to Obtain
Acquired by Ritual of Sacrifice

Eyes of the Forsaken is a material acquired by completing Ritual of Sacrifice, a quest given by Eris as a step in the Urn quest line.

Obtained By

It can be acquired by completing Ritual of Sacrifice.

Used For

Bring it to Eris Morn to acquire Acolyte Rung, Knightbone Guard or Thrallskin Brace.
ConsumablesMaterialsMission ItemsBountiesCurrencies

Last modified on 17 April 2015, at 02:09