Bond of the Queen's Guard

Bond of the Queen's Guard
Bond of the Queen's Guard
Type Warlock Bond
Class Warlock
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Defense 230
Discipline 13 - 22
Strength 13 - 22
Intellect 13 - 22
Acquired by Acquired from Quest
Description One throne beneath the howling dark.
Bond of the Queen's Guard is a level 40 Legendary Warlock Bond. It can be Acquired fromĀ ?? Quest.


Column 1

  • Infuse - Consume a more powerful piece of Armor to boost the Defense value of this Armor.
  • Twist Fate - Changes the stats and upgrades available on this Armor.

Column 2

Column 3

Column 4

Tips and Tricks



Last modified on 16 October 2015, at 09:44