The Dark Below (Quest)

The Dark Below (Quest)
The Dark Below (Quest)
Type Quest
Quest Type Main Story Missions
Number of Steps 10
Enemy Type Hive
Boss  ??
Tier 1 Level  ??
Previous  ??
Next  ??
Expansion The Dark Below
Description The story of Eris Morn and her fight against the Hive god Crota.
The Dark Below is a level ?? Main Story Missions Quest for The Dark Below expansion.

Step 1: The Sword of Crota

Step 2: Talk to Eris

Step 3: Fist of Crota

Step 4: Talk to Eris

Step 5: Siege of the Warmind

Step 6: Talk to Eris

Step 7: The Wakening

Step 8: Talk to Eris

Step 9: Will of Crota

Step 10: Talk to Eris

Last modified 9 years ago

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