S-32C Phoenix

S-32C Phoenix
S-32C Phoenix
Type Sparrow
Rarity Rare
Faction Crucible
Level 20+
Speed 35
Boost 50
Durability 150
Bonus 1 Boost
Bonus 2 Quick Brake
Bonus 3 Strafe Thrusters
Acquired by Purchased from Crucible Quartermaster
Vendor Crucible Quartermaster
Cost 175 Legendary Marks
Description The variant of the coveted Phoenix has a powerful drive and agile thrusters.

S-32C Phoenix is an Rare Sparrow. It can be purchased from the Crucible Quartermaster in The Tower for 175 Legendary Marks. Additionally, it requires the player to be Rank 3 or higher with the Crucible to purchase.



Last modified 9 years ago

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