Iron Camelot Helm (Year 2)

Iron Camelot Helm (Year 2)
Iron Camelot Helm (Year 2)
Type Helmets
Class Titan
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Defense 280 - 320
Discipline 33 - 63
Strength 33 - 63
Intellect 33 - 63
Acquired by Iron Banner
Vendor Iron Banner Vendor
Cost 40 Legendary Marks
Requirement PlayStation 3 and 4
Description Forged in remembrance of Silimar, he who was the Last City's first wall.
See also: Iron Camelot Helm (Year 3)

Iron Camelot Helm (Year 2) is a level 40 Legendary Titan Helmet. It can drop from Iron Banner or purchased from Iron Banner Vendor for 40 Legendary Marks. It is only available to PlayStation 3 and 4 players.


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Last modified 8 years ago

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