Exile's Student (Adept)

Exile's Student (Adept)
Exile's Student (Adept)
Year 3
Type Hand Cannon
Slot Primary Weapon
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Damage Type Kinetic
Attack 380
Impact 68
Rate of Fire 32
Range 19
Stability 39
Reload 49
Magazine 9
Zoom 15
Recoil 98
Equip Speed 79
Aim Assist 94
Acquired by Flawless Victory
Description "We armed ourselves with Light and set out to find the master." —Fractal Scrolls
Exile's Student (Adept) is a level 40 Legendary Hand Cannon. It can be can be obtained after achieving Flawless Victory (winning 9 times without losing once) in Trials of Osiris. Players have a chance of obtaining it in a chest in The Lighthouse.


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Last modified 8 years ago

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