Legendary Marks

Revision as of 15:57, 18 January 2017 by Duskpyre (Talk | contribs)

Legendary Marks
Legendary Marks
Type Currency
Rarity Legendary
How to Obtain
Acquired by Dismantling legendary equipment, completion of Daily/Weekly activities
Legendary Marks are a form of currency that was introduced with The Taken King expansion. Players may hold 200 marks at any given time, though there is no weekly cap to how many may be earned.


Equipment Purchase

Category Vendor Marks Required
Legendary Weapons, Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Dead Orbit Vendor 75 - 150
Legendary Weapons, Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells New Monarchy Vendor 75 - 150
Legendary Weapons, Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Future War Cult Vendor 75 - 150
Legendary Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Titan Vanguard 75 - 120
Legendary Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Warlock Vanguard 75 - 120
Legendary Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Hunter Vanguard 75 - 120
Legendary Armor, Class Items, or Ghost Shells Lord Shaxx 75 - 120
Legendary Weapons, Armor, or Class Items Iron Banner Vendor 25
Legendary Weapons Crucible Quartermaster 150
Legendary Weapons Vanguard Quartermaster 150

Other Exchanges

Category Vendor Marks Required
Legendary Engrams Cryptarchs 60 - 125
Sparrows Vanguard Quartermaster 150
Planetary materials Vanguard Quartermaster 10

Other Uses

Usage Marks Required
Infusion 3

How to Obtain

Daily and Weekly Activities

Activity Reward Eligibility Marks Awarded
Daily Heroic Story Daily (once per account) 15
Daily Crucible Daily (once per account) 15
First Public Event Daily (once per character) 15
Weekly Patrol Quest Weekly (once per character) 10
Heroic Strikes Weekly (three times per account) 10 (30 total)
Weekly Crucible Weekly (three wins per account) 10 (30 total)


Activity Bounty Vendor Reward Eligibility Marks Awarded
Iron Banner Iron Support Iron Banner Vendor Weekly (once per character) 25
Iron Banner Iron Light Iron Banner Vendor Weekly (once per character) 25
Iron Banner Iron Arsenal Iron Banner Vendor Weekly (once per character) 25
Iron Banner Iron Marathon Iron Banner Vendor Weekly (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris His Eye Upon You Brother Vance Daily (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris Determined Brother Vance Weekly (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris Focused Brother Vance Weekly (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris Persistence Brother Vance Weekly (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris Teamwork Brother Vance Weekly (once per character) 25
Trials of Osiris Trials Journeyman Brother Vance Weekly (once per character) 25

Non-repeatable Quests

Quest Steps Marks
The Vanguard's Hand 1 25
High-Value Targets 1  ???
Neverending Battle 3  ???
Neverending Battle 5  ???
The Taken War: Venus 1 20
The Taken War: Earth 1  ???
The Taken War: Mars 1  ???

Armor CoreCrucible CommendationGlimmerLegendary MarksMote of Light
Passage CoinSilverStrange CoinsVanguard CommendationWeapon Core
Last modified on 18 January 2017, at 15:57