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Asylum is a PvP map for The Crucible that takes place on the Venus. It is available for all PvP modes.

Dead Ghost Location

Back corner of C spawn: Screenshot


Trials of Osiris Guide

Asylum map1.jpg


A lot of players still struggle to reach the Lighthouse every week. There's normally a lot of little tips out there but I wanted to focus on specifics for this map. Here's Become Legend: Trials of Osiris edition. Become Legend: Trials of Osiris - Asylum


The first thing you need to do is get used to where everything on the map is located and put a name to that location. Being able to call out where the enemy is located for your team allows them to maneuver without fear or push with aggression.


Created by /u/OrionTheTitan. I made a small tweak to show the correct Heavy location. Alpha and Bravo spawns are actually backwards in the map.


Asylum is a smaller map that allows all kinds of playstyles. You'll want to focus on your strengths and position yourself in locations that allow you to capitalize on your loadout.

Sniper Lanes

Keep your head down or lose it.

  • Atrium to Balcony - This is a common lane to snipe. Teams that spawn near A will have the advantage in taking the balcony so teams near C rotate through Atrium. Sniping lanes begin here, in the Atrium you can head glitch the stairs and corners of the walls to catch anyone peaking. Likewise, you can be a little sneakier and jump up through the hole in the window to snipe most of balcony, this spot leaves you a bit exposed but it's easy to drop back from.
  • A Atrium to C side Balcony - If you know enemies are coming through the Boxes you can post up in the A Atrium and try for a tight window. Anyone who sits on this side of Balcony looking down is also a free target.
  • A to C via Jungle - Off the start a lot of teams try to watch a Jungle flank. This allows for a sniping lane by hiding near Cafe and Parking, snipers on either side can head glitch and drop to cover quickly but are easily flanked through Atrium. This lane usually closes down quickly and can be considered a 50/50.
  • Balcony to Boxes Stairs - Teams spawning near Boxes can head glitch the stairs looking into Balcony. This is a hard spot to challenge for Balcony, but sitting on the box next to Ticket Booth gives some elevation to put you off head level and a brief moment of surprise for a fast snipe.
  • Across Atrium - Teams used to fight here for the Atrium heavy spawn, it no longer exists though this lane is still viable for sniping similar to the Parking to Cafe lane. This lane usually doesn't hold for very long as teams push through and rotate.
  • Cars to B Stairs - Having the Cars spawn gives way to an easy hold on Heavy spawn. Sniping down this lane is simple and you can head glitch the car while the enemy is completely exposed.

Primary/Shotgun Paths

Looking to close the distance, move through cover.

  • A Spawn has a slight advantage because the A Hallway has two doors to exit from. It's easy to reach the far door and leaves you in cover as your team can fire through the near door should an enemy try to rush you.
  • Again from A Spawn, moving through Cafe to the Parking sign by hugging the left wall is great for cover and lets your radar tell you where to make your next move.
  • For Bravo Spawn you'll need to move through Jungle and rotate through Atrium or push from lower via B Stairs.


There are plenty of options for this week, almost anything is viable to be honest so play what you enjoy. Here's some suggestions for each subclass:


It's hard to choose between Bladedancer or Nightstalker here because of the area denial and Supers are both great. Play what you're most comfortable with, the 'wombo combo' Nightstalker or Shinobu's Vow Bladedancer have high viability this week. Gunslinger is too easy to run away from in these tight areas and allows you to get shotgunned around corners if you pursue too hard.


Strikers have been the best subclass for a Titan for quite some time. Area denial grenades, a shutdown Super, and the ability to close gaps quickly (and protected with Juggernaut) makes Strikers great for this map. Sniping is an option since you can get into position the fastest, though a Shotgun belongs in these hands. A Sunbreaker is a bit easy to run away from this week but Fusion Grenades are powerful. In a campy game a Defender Ward of Dawn could help win the capture point, but it won't be useful against better players.


Any subclass is useful here, but the most powerful is Voidwalker. A shutdown Super and some of the more useful grenades in the game, Voidwalkers shine with primary battles and shotguns where the melee kill can trigger Life Steal allowing you to move to the next enemy. Stormcaller is useful for the range of the melee and Pulse Wave is great for moving away when you've been damaged. Sunsinger's Fireborn ability and Fusion Grenades can play a vital role this week if used correctly.

Weapon Loadout

Most players will be using a Hand Cannon or Pulse Rifle (read: Clever Dragon) this week, though Scout Rifles will appear for those longer lanes. The current meta also means most players will have a Shotgun, though skilled Snipers will emerge and can do well here. Most common loadouts for the week will consist of a Palindrome or Clever Dragon coupled with a Matador. Use the advice above to pick your lane and counter as you see fit. Snipers will struggle against a good Scout Rifle so switch if you're being killed often. The Last Word is always viable for countering Shotgun rushers, switch if the other team is good at pushing and is aggressive to give yourself a chance. Primary Weapons will dominate the flow of the round, but as spaces get smaller the Shotguns will come out.

General Strategy

Whenever you play, regardless of game mode, you need to have a strategy so that you're familiar with where your team members are and what they are doing and how they assist/be assisted.

Alpha Spawn

  • Pushing two A Hallway and one Jungle is a very good strategy. This lets you cover Balcony immediately as Bravo will be rushing this most times as well, but lets your Jungle player flank. He should be running a Hand Cannon/Shotgun to capitalize on this flanking ability.
  • Two A Hallway and one B Stairs is also useful because of the difference in elevation. The player at B Stairs can wrap around to Grass if needed or pop up with grenades into Boxes/Balcony to assist before entering the fray. In most scenarios, it's almost always best for Alpha to rush A Hallway and take Balcony by using grenades to deny Bravo out of the Boxes room.

Bravo Spawn

  • Because Alpha can dominate Balcony easily you need to either get a pick or rotate around. Sniping from Boxes Stairs is a good head glitch to catch players who push too far into Balcony. Sending players Jungle to come up and over is also great in this situation. This allows for a double flank as the player from Boxes is the primary engagement.
  • Rotating through Atrium to A Spawn and pushing A Hallway and Jungle to Balcony simultaneously is a good pinching strategy. A skilled player can sit in the window perch to provide cover fire while you move into Balcony and force the Alpha players into a narrow killing hall. Since players from Alpha can push to Jungle easily as well, moving through Atrium often lets you catch a would-be flanker before he can reach safety.


Twilight GapRusted LandsExodus BlueSkyshockWidow's CourtBannerfallFrontierMementoSector 618
First LightThe AnomalyThe Cauldron
BastionFirebase DelphiBlind WatchPantheonThe TimekeeperCrossroadsSkyline
AsylumShores of TimeThieves' DenFloating Gardens

Last Exit

The Burning ShrineIcarusVertigo
Black Shield
The Drifter
Cathedral of DuskThe Dungeons
Last modified on 31 December 2016, at 02:33