The Dawning Quests

Revision as of 03:37, 19 December 2016 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

See also: The Dawning and Quests
QuestStarting NPCRewardDescription
Hymns of FireGunsmithAbbadon"People say the assault on the Moon was a bad idea. I don't know about that... seems worse to just surrender that ground without trying to fight." - Banshee-44
In the Presents of FriendsGuardian Outfitter"They've been so good to me over the years. So patient. Now I'm returning the kindness." —Eva Levante
Songs of the VoidWarlock VanguardNova Mortis"Great deeds are often preserved in song. Who remembers the names of the singers?" - Ikora Rey
Speed KillsShipwrightS-41 Poison Apple"I promised Zavala the SRL wouldn't be a distraction. So if we want to have our fun, I need someone to help me deal with a few tasks." —Amanda Holliday
Vanguard Elite (Quest)White TigerThe Guardian is called on to join others and face challenges.
Variations on a ThemeTitan VanguardSkeleton Key"Old foes among the Devil Splicers, the Hive, and the Vex have returned, Guardian. The Vanguard would call on you again." —Zavala
Last modified on 19 December 2016, at 03:37