Iron Regalia Sleeves (Year 3)

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Iron Regalia Sleeves (Year 3)
Iron Regalia Sleeves (Year 3)
Year 3
Type Gauntlets
Class Hunter
Level 40
Rarity Legendary
Defense 3 - 400
Discipline 30 - 60
Strength 30 - 60
Intellect 30 - 60
Acquired by Dropped from Iron Banner matches, Decrypted from Dusty Iron Engram, Rise of Iron Record Book
Description Ornate armor forged by the Lords of Iron beneath the Iron Banner.
See also: Iron Regalia Sleeves (Year 1)

Iron Regalia Sleeves (Year 3) is a level 40 Legendary Hunter Gauntlets. It can be dropped from Iron Banner matches or decrypted from Dusty Iron Engrams. Acquired in Rise of Iron Record Book.


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Last modified 8 years ago

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