Topsy-Turvy Lens

Revision as of 11:22, 22 September 2016 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Topsy-Turvy Lens
Topsy-Turvy Lens
Year 3
Type Artifact
Level  ??
Rarity Legendary
Defense  ?
Acquired by  ???
Description "Sometimes a fresh perspective is needed." —Wen Jie This item is nonreturnable.
Topsy-Turvy Lens is a level ?? Legendary Artifact. It can be acquired by ????


Column 1

  • World Turned Upside Down - Everything you see is inverted along the X axis.
  • Infuse - Consume a more powerful Artifact to boost the Defense value of this Artifact.
  • Reforge Artifact - Changes the stats available on this Artifact.

Column 2

Column 3

Tips and Tricks



Last modified on 22 September 2016, at 11:22