Iron Light

Revision as of 00:40, 20 September 2016 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Iron Light
Iron Light
Type Iron Banner Bounty
Rarity Common
Task Earn 100 points with ability kills at the Iron Banner. Grenade = 2, Melee = 3, Super = 5.
Description "A true Guardian trusts in her Light. It's the only thing that protects us from the Darkness." —Lady Efrideet
Experience 5000
Reputation 750
Reward Legendary Armor, 25 Legendary Marks
Iron Light is a Year 2 and 3 Common Iron Banner Bounty. The Bounty requires the player to Earn 100 points with ability kills at the Iron Banner. Grenade = 2, Melee = 3, Super = 5.

Tips and Tricks

Last modified on 20 September 2016, at 00:40