Bounty | Task | Experience | Reputation |
Aerial Surgeon | Defeat an opposing Guardian with a Throwing Knife headshot. | 2500 | 50 |
Alpha Strike | Get the first kill in a Crucible match. | 2500 | 50 |
Another Notch | Win a match in the Control playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
As a Team | Complete 5 Crucible matches in a Fireteam of 2 or more players. | 3750 | 75 |
Attack and Defend | Defeat an opposing Guardian using Disintegrate. | 2500 | 50 |
Backstabber | Defeat an opposing Guardian from behind using Blink Strike. | 2500 | 50 |
Ballistic Scalpel | Win 3 matches in any playlist with a minimum of 6 Scout Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Ballistic Scalpel Expert | Win a match in any playlist with a minimum of 9 Scout Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Ballistic Trauma | Win 3 matches in any playlist with a minimum of 6 Hand Cannon kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Ballistic Trauma Expert | Win a match in any playlist with a minimum of 9 Hand Cannon kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Best and Brightest | Complete a Control match while finishing in the top 3 on your team (minimum 4 players on the team). | 2500 | 50 |
Bound By Shadow | Defeat or assist in the defeat of 2 opposing Guardians with Shadowshot. | 2500 | 50 |
Brute Force | Defeat 1 opposing Guardian with a Heavy Weapon. | 2500 | 50 |
Bullet Grouping | Win 3 matches in any playlist with a minimum of 6 Pulse Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Bullet Grouping Expert | Win a match in any playlist with a minimum of 9 Pulse Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Can't Stop | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in a single life. | 2500 | 50 |
Can't Touch Us | As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, defeat 5 opposing Guardians without anyone in your Fireteam dying. | 2500 | 50 |
Caught in the Crossfire | Catch 3 enemies in the crossfire in the Rumble playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Certified Clasher | Complete a Clash match while finishing in the top 3 on your team (minimum 4 players on the team). | 2500 | 50 |
Chain Lightning (Bounty) | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians with a single Arc Blade activation. | 2500 | 50 |
Clasher | Win a match in the Clash playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Control Freak | Capture 5 Control zones. | 2500 | 50 |
Cover Fire | Defend an allied Runner against enemy fire. | 2500 | 50 |
Crash Landing | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians with a single Fist of Havoc activation. | 2500 | 50 |
Crucible Combat (Bounty) | Win one game in three different Crucible game modes. | 3750 | 75 |
Crucible Journeyman | Win a Crucible match with an individual score of at least 1500 points. | 2500 | 50 |
Deployer | Deploy 3 Probes in the Salvage playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Diligent | Win 3 matches in one day. | 2500 | 50 |
Distinguished Rumbler | Finish in the top 3 in a Rumble match (minimum 4 players). | 2500 | 50 |
Eagle-Eyed | Defeat 3 Guardians with headshots kills in one life. | 2500 | 50 |
Erupting Light | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with your grenade ability. | 2500 | 50 |
Exemplary | In a 6v6 playlist, complete a match where you and at least one other member of your Fireteam finish in the top 3 on your team. | 2500 | 50 |
Eye of the Storm (Bounty) | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in the Crucible with a single Stormtrance use. | 2500 | 50 |
Featured Matches | Earn points in any featured playlist. Crucible wins are worth 3 points. Starting a new match costs 1 point. | 3750 | 75 |
Flame Touched | Defeat an opposing Guardian in the Crucible using Scorch. | 2500 | 50 |
Focus Fire | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians who have already been damaged by a teammate. | 2500 | 50 |
Full Auto (Bounty) | Win 3 matches in any playlist with a minimum of 6 Auto Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Full Auto Expert | Win a match in any playlist with a minimum of 9 Auto Rifle kills. | 3750 | 75 |
Guns Blazing | Defeat 5 Guardians in a single life. | 2500 | 50 |
Halt! | Stop an opposing Runner. | 2500 | 50 |
Hard Fought | Win any Crucible match with an individual score of at least 2500 points. | 2500 | 50 |
Hard to Kill | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in a single life. | 2500 | 50 |
Healthy Balance | Complete a match with at least 10 kills and no more than 7 deaths. | 2500 | 50 |
Heavyweight (Crucible) | Collect a Heavy Ammo crate in the Rumble playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Hold the Line | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians while near both your teammates. | 2500 | 50 |
Individual Achievement | Win 2 Crucible matches with an individual score of at least 1500 points. | 3750 | 75 |
It's Progress | As a Runner, score at least 1 distance bonus tier. | 2500 | 50 |
Just a Game? | Win a match in the Rift playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Killing Wind | Rapidly defeat 3 Guardians. | 2500 | 50 |
Knuckle Branding | Defeat an opposing Guardian with Sunstrike. | 2500 | 50 |
Lifeline | Revive 3 teammates in the Skirmish playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Lightbringer | Defeat 7 Guardians using any ability (melee, grenade, super). | 2500 | 50 |
Lightning Touched | Defeat an opposing Guardian with Thunderstrike in the Crucible. | 2500 | 50 |
Live Fire Exercise | Win a Crucible match in any playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Lucky Number Seven | Defeat 7 Guardians in the Clash playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Making an Impact | Win 7 matches. | 3750 | 75 |
Meticulous Defense | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians in or near an allied Control zone. | 2500 | 50 |
Mine! | Kill an opponent already damaged by another opponent. | 2500 | 50 |
Most Valuable | Complete a match in any team playlist where you or a member of your Fireteam finishes with the highest score. | 2500 | 50 |
Mow Through | Get 2 Heavy Weapon kills in one life. | 2500 | 50 |
Organized Play | Complete 3 matches in any playlist(s) while in a Fireteam of 2 or more players. | 2500 | 50 |
Overachiever | Win a Clash match with an individual score of at least 1500 points. | 2500 | 50 |
Practical Shooting | Defeat 7 opposing Guardians with Primary Weapons. | 2500 | 50 |
Precision in Tandem | As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, defeat 10 opposing Guardians with precision headshots. | 2500 | 50 |
Press the Advantage | In a team game mode, defeat 3 opposing Guardians while your team has the lead. | 2500 | 50 |
Probe Defense | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians while an allied Probe is active. | 2500 | 50 |
Rampage | Defeat 15 opposing Guardians in a single match. | 2500 | 50 |
Reliable Hardware | Win a match with at least 9 primary weapon kills. | 2500 | 50 |
Returning Victor | Complete the Crucible Daily on 3 different days. | 3750 | 75 |
Rifles and Cannons | Defeat 10 opposing Guardians with each Primary Weapon type: | 3750 | 75 |
Salvager | Win a match in the Salvage playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Settle the Score | Take down the Guardian who last defeated you. | 2500 | 50 |
Sharpshooter | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with precision shots. | 2500 | 50 |
Sheathed in Flame | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in the Crucible during a single Radiance use. | 2500 | 50 |
Shields Up! | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians while buffed by Ward of Dawn. | 2500 | 50 |
Signal Cancelled | Disable an enemy Probe in a Salvage match. | 2500 | 50 |
Singularity Specialist | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians in the Crucible with a single Nova Bomb. | 2500 | 50 |
Skirmisher | Win a match in the Skirmish playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Specialist (Bounty) | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians with Special Weapons. | 2500 | 50 |
Speeding Locomotive | Defeat an opposing Guardian using Shoulder Charge. | 2500 | 50 |
Stand Alone | Finish in the top 3 players in 6v6 or Free-For-All mode for three matches. | 2500 | 50 |
Started With a Spark | Score a capture for your team. | 2500 | 50 |
Stonewall | Defeat 5 opposing Guardians while your team holds 2 or more zones. | 2500 | 50 |
Sun Slinger | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians with a single Golden Gun activation. | 2500 | 50 |
Support Network | Assist your teammates in defeating 10 opposing Guardians. | 2500 | 50 |
Take the Middle | Capture Zone B first in a match. | 2500 | 50 |
Target Rich Environment | Defeat 7 Guardians in the Rumble playlist. | 2500 | 50 |
Team Extraction | Successfully recover a Salvage Relic as a team. | 2500 | 50 |
Team Medic | As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, revive 3 Fireteam members who have been downed by opposing Guardians (requires revive-enabled playlist). | 2500 | 50 |
Team Player | As a Fireteam, defeat 5 opposing Guardians while assisting or being assisted by Fireteam members. | 2500 | 50 |
Team That Grenades Together | As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, defeat 7 opposing Guardians with grenade abilities. | 2500 | 50 |
Team That Works Together | As a Fireteam of 2 or more players, collectively defeat 25 opposing Guardians. | 2500 | 50 |
The True Meaning of War | Complete all 5 of Shaxx's weekly bounties in one week. | 5000 | 200 |
Top Rifter | Complete a Rift match in the top 3 on your team (minimum 4 players on the team). | 2500 | 50 |
Top Score | Complete a match in any playlist with the highest score. | 2500 | 50 |
Trial Run | Complete 3 matches in the Trials of Osiris. | 2500 | 50 |
Unfaltering | Defeat 3 opposing Guardians while both your teammates are alive. | 2500 | 50 |
When the Smoke Clears | Defeat or assist in the defeat of an opposing Guardian with a smoke bomb. | 2500 | 50 |
Winning Team | Win a match in any team playlist while in a Fireteam of 2 or more players. | 2500 | 50 |
Withering Strike | Defeat an opposing Guardian in the Crucible with Energy Drain. | 2500 | 50 |
World on Fire | Defeat 2 opposing Guardians with a single Hammer of Sol activation. | 2500 | 50 |