Dragon's Breath (Year 2)

Revision as of 22:28, 28 January 2016 by Coolio (Talk | contribs)

Dragon's Breath (Year 2)
Dragon's Breath (Year 2)
Type Rocket Launcher
Slot Heavy Weapon
Level 40
Rarity Exotic
Damage Type Solar
Attack 310
Blast Radius 60
Rate of Fire 18
Velocity 30
Stability 66
Reload 52
Magazine 1
Zoom 20
Recoil 50
Equip Speed 25
Aim Assist 25
Acquired by Purchased from Xur
Vendor Xur
Cost 17 Strange Coins
Description Burn the world. Burn it all.
See also: Dragon's Breath (Year 1)

Dragon's Breath (Year 2) is a level 40 Exotic Rocket Launcher. It can be Purchased from Xur for 17 Strange Coins. It also drops from various endgame activities such as King's Fall and Nightfall.


Last modified 9 years ago

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