Not Forged in Light

Revision as of 12:15, 21 October 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs) (Step 3: The Simulation Core)

Not Forged in Light
Not Forged in Light
Type Quest
Quest Type Future War Cult Quest
Number of Steps 12
Enemy Type  ??
Boss  ??
Tier 1 Level  ??
Reward No Time to Explain
Previous Paradox
Next  ??
Description The tale of a mysterious weapon, torn out of space and time.
Not Forged in Light is a level ?? Future War Cult Quest. Players are rewarded with No Time to Explain after completing this quest. Players can unlock this quest by finding all the Cult Ghost in Paradox Daily Story Mission and pledging allegiance to FWC.

Step 1: Ready for War

Task: Earn reputation through donations to the Future War Cult..

Quote: "A Guardian I've never heard of leaves behind a Ghost I've never seen carrying files stamped with Cult headers, files I would have had to authorize to be stamped that way.

This kind of thing is why I wake up in the morning."

Objective: Obtain 1000 Future War Cult Reputation.

Rewards: Experience

Tips: Use Motes of Light to gain the reputation. These provide the fastest way to level up your standing with Future War Cult.

Step 2: Talk to Lakshmi-2

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to The Last City, Earth.


Tips: ???

Step 3: The Simulation Core

Task: Here's how I see it: the Hive want to eat us. The Fallen want our stuff and the Cabal want our planet. But it's the Vex, Guardian, only the Vex can take our past away from us. If we're going to understand what these files mean, I'm going to need more context.

Hunt down a powerful Minotaur Taken by Oryx. Destroy it, and pull a simulation core from its husk. Shatter the core and return to me.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to ??.

Rewards: Experience

Tips: Any Ultra or Major (yellow name) Minotaur drops it. Go to the Citadel in Venus where Taken Minotaurs spawn often.

Step 4: Talk to Lakshmi-2

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to The Last City, Earth.


Tips: ???

Step 5: The Eye of Atheon

Task: Excellent work. I'll make good use of the data your Ghost is feeding me. We've spect more time looking through these files, and we believe we know what your next step must be. It will not be an easy one.

Gather a Fireteam and return to the Vault of Glass. Confront Time's Conflux, Atheon, and take its eye. Within the eye will be invaluable data. Shatter it, as you did the simulation core, and then return to me.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to Ishtar Sink, Venus.

Rewards: Experience

Tips: Kill Atheon in Vault of Glass (does not have to be in Hard Mode).

Step 6: Talk to Lakshmi-2

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to The Last City, Earth.


Tips: ???

Step 7: Approach the Twilight Gap

Task: Excellent. I'll begin my analysis of Atheon's data at once. In the meantime, I have results from the simulation core. The heart of the Minotaur revealed a ... ripple. A snag in the timestream around the Twilight Gap.

Head out to the pass, try to determine what Praedyth's Ghost saw there. Then, return to my side.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to City Perimeter, Earth.

Rewards: Experience

Tips: ???

Step 8: Shadows at Twilight

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to City Perimeter, Earth.

Rewards: Experience

Tips: ???

Step 9: Talk to Lakshmi-2

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to The Last City, Earth.


Tips: ???

Step 10: Approach the Black Garden

Task: Let me see what you ... a bracelet. With the symbol of House Bray? Ana Bray's personal sigil. Guardian, the inner circle will be grateful that you have returned this artifact to the Tower.

The data you retrieved from the Eye of Atheon, meanwhile, has pinpointed another ripple. This one is at the heart of the Black Garden.

It is time you returned to Mars. The rippled in the Garden apparently flows from a construct called "the Groundskeeper." Find it, destroy it. And return to my side.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to Meridian Bay, Mars.

Rewards: Unknown Rewards, Experience

Tips: ???

Step 11: Blood in the Garden

Task: Obtain this Quest in Destiny to learn more.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to Meridian Bay, Mars.

Rewards: Unknown Rewards, Experience

Tips: ???

Step 12: Talk to Lakshmi-2

Task: And now ... what? A ring, with the symbol of the Warlock Pujari? Death, again. Like Ana Bray, a Guardian fallen to the second death. Lost to us. We shall study these objects, Guardian. Learn why they have been pulled through time.

I believe your work is over. For now. Praedyth's files have unspooled. Their data undone like uncoiled strands of hair. And what has fallen free?

A weapon, transmatted from some time and some place, and specifically for you. Someone has taken notice of our actions, Guardian. Someday, we may be able to ask them what all this means.

Quote: Classified

Objective: Go to The Last City, Earth.

Rewards: No Time to Explain

Tips: ???

Last modified on 21 October 2015, at 12:15