Legendary Marks

Revision as of 15:20, 24 September 2015 by Coolio (Talk | contribs) (How to Obtain)

Legendary Marks
Legendary Marks
Type Currency
Rarity Legendary
Function Used to purchase Legendary Gear in The Tower
How to Obtain
Acquired by Dismantling Year 2 Legendary Gear, Daily/Weekly PvP/PvE activities
Legendary Marks is a currency used to purchase Legendary gear from vendors in The Tower. It is introduced in The Taken King (Year 2) and replaces both Vanguard Marks and Crucible Marks. Players can carry a maximum of 200 Legendary Marks at a time but there's no weekly cap for the Marks.
  • Legendary Marks are shared across all of your characters on the same account.

How to Obtain


Quest Steps Marks
The Vanguard's Hand 1 25
High-Value Targets 1  ???
Neverending Battle 3  ???
Neverending Battle 5  ???
The Taken War: Venus 1 20
The Taken War: Earth 1  ???
The Taken War: Mars 1  ???


  • Complete Crucible Daily for 15 Marks (only once per day per account)
  • Complete Crucible Weekly for 10 Marks for each win, 3 times per week.

Used For

Purchase Legendary Weapons, Armor and other items from Tower Vendors.

Armor CoreCrucible CommendationGlimmerLegendary MarksMote of Light
Passage CoinSilverStrange CoinsVanguard CommendationWeapon Core
Last modified on 24 September 2015, at 15:20